阿里扎惹上官司:妻子起訴離婚索要兩個孩子監護權 並要求贍養費

阿里扎惹上官司:妻子起訴離婚索要兩個孩子監護權 並要求贍養費

backpack through Europe在歐洲自助遊

backpack through Europe在歐洲自助遊




看美劇學口語You have every right to be mad.你大可生我的氣

看美劇學口語You have every right to be mad.你大可生我的氣

Don't you dare leave this house!你敢離開房子試試

Don't you dare leave this house!你敢離開房子試試

When I'm upset, I clean.我清掃是為了發洩

When I'm upset, I clean.我清掃是為了發洩


I'm not a big fan of that word. 我不喜歡你那個措辭

I'm not a big fan of that word. 我不喜歡你那個措辭

I wish you both a lifetime of happiness.我祝願你倆永遠幸福美滿

I wish you both a lifetime of happiness.我祝願你倆永遠幸福美滿

He's a very respected member of the community他在鄰里享有很高的聲望

He's a very respected member of the community他在鄰里享有很高的聲望

I need to powder my nose. Care to join me?我得補一下妝,要一起去嗎?

I need to powder my nose. Care to join me?我得補一下妝,要一起去嗎?

You're overreacting.你太小題大做了

You're overreacting.你太小題大做了

Small world, huh?世界真小啊

Small world, huh?世界真小啊

I soldier on.但是我堅持下來了

I soldier on.但是我堅持下來了

You should get while the getting's good.你現在反悔還來得及

You should get while the getting's good.你現在反悔還來得及

看美劇學口語:That's all there is to it. 就這樣吧僅此而已

看美劇學口語:That's all there is to it. 就這樣吧僅此而已