
Perhaps, the smiling person is suffering in the most beautiful way。




When your companion wants to get off the bus, even if he does not give up, he should be grateful, and then wave goodbye。



One day, look at others to think of you, and forget you by others。


Time flies too quickly, and when memories disappear, life is like walking, hardships and scenery along the way。 All you can see is your life。 Always seeing people who are better than yourself shows that you are going uphill。 Always seeing people who are not as good as yourself shows that you are going downhill。 Think about change instead of complaining。


The saddest thing about a woman is that she is not getting old, but losing herself。 The most lamentable thing about a woman is that she has no confidence, not no more beauty。 A woman with soul is an attractive woman。 A woman with faith is a woman with energy。


While we are still young, we should enrich ourselves and make ourselves stronger。


To understand a person, you only need to see if his starting point and destination are the same, and you can know if he is sincere。


Scratches in life will become our unforgettable memories。 Silence doesn‘t mean you have nothing to say。 Leaving doesn’t mean you‘re smart。 Happy doesn’t mean you‘re not sad。 Happiness doesn’t mean you haven‘t suffered。


You said, I didn’t mean to worry。 Who should send the candle scissors for the west window? Later, when the flowers were scattered, the ink spread and the silk filled with tears。


You go to my dream every day, so why not come back to me!
