
In the first half of 2022, Henan‘s general public budget revenue stood at 236。19 billion yuan (51。2 percent of this year’s budget), 12。5 percent increase after refunding value-added tax (VAT) credits and 1。2 percentage points faster than expected, of which the tax revenue amounted to 137。34 billion yuan while non-tax revenue 98。85 billion yuan, each increasing 10。7 percent and 15。9 percent after VAT credit refund。 The tax revenue made up 64。5 percent of general public budget revenue in Henan after VAT credit refund。


The general public budget expenditure was 573。22 billion yuan (57 percent of this year‘s budget), 4。2 percent rise after VAT credit refund and 7 percentage points ahead of schedule, of which the expenditure on science and technology, public health, rural vitalization, finance, disaster prevention and control and emergency management saw an increase of 38。2 percent, 25。5 percent, 25。4 percent, 226。7 percent and 400。2 percent respectively。




中文來源/河南日報 記者/曾鳴 編譯/趙漢青 楊佳欣 海報/王君藝 審校/丁嵐

責編:趙惜辰 稽核:郭同歡