

My math teacher has white temples and often wears a simple little black dress。 She is easy-going and approachable in class。


Teacher Sun is our head teacher。 He is of medium height, with a round face and a glib mouth。 The words from this mouth are always vivid and fluent。

3、 她是我四年級的班主任王瑩老師,她的教育使我終身難忘,在我的心目中,她是一個溫柔而美麗的人。

She is my fourth grade class teacher, Miss Wang Ying。 Her education will never forget me。 In my mind, she is a gentle and beautiful person。

4、陳老師知識淵博,教學經驗豐富, 上起課來總是那麼輕鬆、活潑、生動、有趣。我們尤其愛聽他的作文課。

Mr。 Chen is knowledgeable and experienced in teaching, and his class is always so relaxed, lively, lively and interesting。 We especially like listening to his composition class。


Miss Su is our head teacher。 She is in her forties。 She is tall, well-proportioned, with heavy eyebrows, upturned nose and rosy lips。 Keep a short hair of spirit and be gentle and kind to us。



My head teacher is a middle-aged woman。 She has a pair of big eyes, which are very magical。 Sometimes her eyes can look straight into your heart, as if you were a little transparent in her eyes。


School begins, and a new teacher comes to our class。 She is tall and thin, with big watery eyes。 The new teacher‘s surname is Zhang and his first name is Xiaojun。 We all call him Teacher Zhang, Teacher Zhang。 He is humorous in class, and we all like him very much。


Our class teacher is a girl。 She is petite and loves sports。 Although she is strict with us, we like her very much, because she always gets to the point。


The Chinese teacher in our class is the head teacher。 She is tall, has short brown hair, and the most striking thing is her beautiful double eyelids。 She is humorous and interesting in class, but sometimes she is very strict。


My favorite teacher is xu teacher, who is neither fat nor thin。 The most powerful thing about xu teacher is her mouth, where all knowledge can always be spoken vividly and eloquently。 Therefore, she became the idol of our whole class。
