
蘇琛 - 晨星

蘇琛 - 晨星





How to describe the true love?

It‘s a bit like watching a series that doesn’t automatically skip the beginning and the end of the film。 After listening to the theme song dozens of times, I‘m not impatient。


我特別想和他過這個冬天,特別想跟他在跨年時一起倒數,跟他喝一杯奶茶,把我凍通紅的鼻子和臉蛋埋進他懷裡 。

I especially want to spend the winter with him, especially want to count down with him in the new year, drink a cup of milk tea with him, and bury my frozen red nose and face in his arms。



You come to my life, not to visit, but into a kingdom, where every river is waiting for your reflection, every road is waiting for your step。



In fact, there is a selfish desire to see you in the words “what are you doing?”。



Downstairs flowers in the night secretly opened, I hide in the corner to think of you, secretly smiled, today’s wind is also gentle。



It‘s hard for me to fall in love with others, so when I meet someone I like, I look like a rich upstart who has been poor for a long time。 I know that money should not be exposed and feelings should not be completely vomited。 But I always can’t help it。 In the end, it‘s because I like you too much。



I really want to take your hand and flee to the sky and fields in the early days, neither flinch nor look back。

