

May all your happiness be without pretending。 May you be sincere and kind at the end of your life。



Life is not fair。 Some people are born cute。 Some people are born not fat。 Some people are born to enjoy their success。 But I hope you have your own super abilities, such as not being defeated by life。



“I want to be a shining psychopath in your ordinary memory,” she declared



It‘s a great honor to accompany you through such a road。 In the future, no matter you are red and purple or devoid of people, I remember that from this late winter to early spring of this year, I witnessed the moment when you saw light in your eyes and thought there was light ahead。



Every dazzling girl you see in the crowd comes here on the tip of a knife。 You are as comfortable and calm as you walk on the ground。 Of course, you are not worthy of any light。



多少年過去了,唯一不變的 還是那顆想發財的心。

How many years have passed, the only constant is the heart that wants to be rich。



Girls, each has its own beautiful way。 Some eyebrows are clear, like a whole season of snow water melting in her eyes。 Some dimples are sweet。 She laughs and asks for news from all over the country。 Some of them are naturally soft。 You go to her like a cloud。 Some of them can produce light fragrance when they are sweating。 When they are scattered in the heaven and earth, they suddenly feel the clouds and rain。



Childhood happiness is a very simple thing, grow up simple is a very happy thing。
