I take a road trip是什麼意思?


I take a road trip是什麼意思?


從語言學習層面,我們可以把“開車自駕”作為單句學習,即只求學會一句英語I always drive when I take a road trip(公路出行時都是開車)

I take a road trip是什麼意思?

但是,我們也可以把“自駕”作為一個英語topic(話題)開學,即“能說”的英語要超出只會一句孤立的I always drive when I take a road trip一句英語。


I always drive when I take a road trip這句英語不只是“開車出行”,它還是“其它”英語:I always drive when I take a road trip。When I drive,sometimes I drive my own car。Sometimes I rent a car。

I take a road trip是什麼意思?

Drive my car也好,rent a car(租車)也好,不都是國人說的“自駕”概念嗎?

我們說的“自駕”往往忽略了I take a road trip by renting a car這樣的英語表達。



Well,you know when people take a road trip,they have many choices:

I take a road trip是什麼意思?

1。 They can take it by taking a public means of transport(大眾交通工具)

2。 They can take a road by riding a bus。

3。 They can take it by drivung their own car。

4。They can take it by renting a car。