
文 | 季益廣



1。 There’s nothing ___ we can do here。 Let’s go home。這裡沒有我們的事了。咱們回家吧。

2。 Have you ever been ___ Japan。你去過日本嗎?

3。 I have been to ___ several times。我去過德國幾次。

4。 Where are you ___?你要去哪兒?

5。 We’re going to ___ this summer。我們夏天要去加拿大。

6。 Dinah went ___ the kitchen。黛娜走進廚房。

7。 She went ___ and put her arm around him。她走過去伸手摟住他。

8。 I’m going ___ to her house to find out what’s wrong。我準備到她家去看看出什麼事了。

9。 I’ll just go ___ and ask him what he wants。我這就上樓去問問他要什麼。

10。 It took us over an hour to ___ ten miles。十英里路我們用了一個多小時。

11。 The car was going ___ too fast。這車開得太快了。

12。 We went a different ___ from usual that day。那天我們走的是和平常不同的路。

13。 It’ll be ___ to go by train。乘火車會快一點。

14。 ___ wash your hands。洗手去。

15。 I went and spoke to the manager。我去找經理談過了。

16。 The plate went ___ to the floor。盤子嘩啦一聲掉在地板上。

17。 The bullet went ___ over my head。子彈從我頭頂飛過。

18。 John went ___ off down the corridor。約翰沿走廊飛奔而去。

19。 ___ you going to Manuela’s party?你去參加曼紐拉的派對嗎?

20。 I first went to a ___ concert when I was 15。我15歲時第一次去聽了搖滾音樂會。

21。 He doesn’t go to the synagogue ___ days。他最近不去猶太教徒做禮拜了。

22。 What time does the ___ train go?最後一班火車什麼時候開?

23。 Right, ___ go。好了,我們走吧!

24。 She turned ___ go。她轉身走了。

25。 It’s late! I must get ___。已經晚了!我得走了。

26。 Let’s go ___ a walk。我們去散步吧。

27。 I need ___ go shopping this afternoon。今天下午我得去購物。

28。 My parents are going ___ a cruise。我父母要去乘船遊覽。

29。 I’m going to tell Dad ___ you said。我要把你的話說給爸爸聽。

30。 He looked as if he ___ going to cry。他那樣子好像要哭了。

31。 It’s going ___ rain later。一會兒要下雨了。

32。 The road goes through the ___ of the forest。這條路從森林中間穿過。

33。 The belt won’t go ___ my waist。這條腰帶太短了,我係不上。

34。 The company went ___ last year。公司去年破產了。

35。 The bread’s gone ___。麵包已經發黴了。

36。 Her hair is starting to ___。她的頭髮開始變白了。

37。 He went ___ and tried to kill her。他瘋了,想把她殺掉。

38。 The crowd was going ___ with excitement。人群欣喜若狂。

39。 How did your French test ___?你的法語考得怎麼樣?

40。 The party went ___。派對進行得很順利。

41。 Everything’s going ___ at the moment。目前一切進展順利。

42。 I feel very encouraged by the ___ things are going。事情的發展讓我很有信心。

43。 Many industries have been forced to ___ jobs and it looks like the electronics industry is going the same way。許多行業被迫裁員,電子行業看來也是如此。

44。 ‘Hi Jane, How’s ___ going?’ ‘Fine, thanks。’“嗨,簡, 你好嗎?” “很好,謝謝你。”

45。 Where do the plates ___?這些盤子放在哪裡?

46。 The book goes ___ the top shelf。這本書放在書架頂層。

47。 I don’t think ___ that will go in the suitcase。我覺得行李箱放不下全部的東西。

48。 The email went ___ everyone in the company。這封電子郵件發給了公司裡的每一個人。

49。 Complaints must go ___ the proper channels。必須透過正當的渠道投訴。

50。 Many families are ___ to go hungry。許多人家被迫忍飢挨餓。

51。 All my letters went ___。我寫的信都沒有收到回覆。

52。 He hoped that his nervousness would go ___。 他希望沒有人注意到他的緊張。

53。 The preparations have been completed and we’re ___ to go。預備工作已經完成,我們可以開始了。

54。 Generally the action doesn’t get ___ until after midnight。一般都是半夜以後才開始熱鬧起來。

55。 I’m going to get going ___ the decorating next week。我打算下個星期開始裝修。

56。 My watch ___ going。我的手錶停了。

57。 I couldn’t ___ the pump going。我沒法讓水泵工作起來。

58。 She went like this ___ her hand。她的手這樣動著。

59。 I asked her what she ___ and she just went, “Don’t ask!”我問她是什麼意思,她只是說,“別問了!”

60。 The balloon suddenly went ___。氣球突然砰的一聲爆了。

61。 It’s a secret, so don’t go ___ everyone。這是秘密,所以不要到處和別人說。

62。 Kay’s ___ and lost the car keys!凱竟然把車鑰匙弄丟了。

63。 Only ten days to go ___ Christmas!離聖誕節只有十天了。

64。 Laura’s ___ six exams and has two more to go。勞拉已考了六門考試,還要考兩門。

65。 Only another five miles ___ to go。只需再走五英里就到了。

66。 Two chicken dinners with ___ to go。兩份雞塊套餐加玉米,帶走。

67。 ‘John and Clare having children?’ ‘Don’t go ___!’ “約翰和克萊爾打算要孩子?”“別說這事!”

68。 ‘What ___ the two of them…?’ ‘Don’t even go there!’“他們倆要是……”“別說了!”

69。 The argument goes like ___。論點是這樣的。

70。 We need to ‘spread a little happiness’, as the song ___。我們需要“散播一些幸福”, 就像歌詞裡唱的那樣。

71。 The story goes that my grandfather saved his ___captain’s life in battle。據說我祖父在戰鬥中救了他的上尉的一命。

72。 A bell goes to ___ the end of each class。每堂課鈴響就表示下課。

73。 There you go again, ___ to conclusions。你又來了,草率地下結論。

74。 Has your headache gone ___?你頭痛好了嗎?

75。 The door was open and all his things had ___。門開著,他所有的東西都沒了。

76。 Dad’s eyesight is ___ to go。爸爸的視力開始下降。

77。 I’d forgotten that。 My ___ must be going。我把那事給忘了,我一定是腦子壞了。

78。 Phil’s ___ charge, and what he says goes。菲爾是負責人,他說了算。

79。 The bulb’s ___ in the bathroom。衛生間的燈泡壞了。

80。 My jeans are starting to go ___ the knee。我的牛仔褲膝蓋處出現磨損了。

81。 Now that his wife’s gone, he’s all ___ his own。妻子走了,他孤單一人。

82。 When I go, I’d like to have my ashes ___ at sea。我死後想把骨灰撒到大海里。

83。 I don’t know ___ all my money goes!我不知道我的錢都花到哪裡去了。

84。 Half her salary goes on the ___。她的工資一半花在房租上。

85。 A house like this would go ___ $250,000。像這樣的房子可以賣25萬美元。

86。 The jewels will go to the highest ___。這些珠寶將賣給出價最高的人。

87。 He bought me some CDs ___ were going cheap。他給我買了一些降價的唱片。

88。 I’ll give you $500 for it but I can’t go ___ higher than that。我出價500美元,但不能給得更高了。

89。 I think we could probably go ___ $15,000。我想我們或許可以出到15,000美元。

90。 The day seemed to go ___ slowly。那一天似乎過得很慢。

91。 Well, there goes my chance of ___!唉,我的成名機會泡湯了!

92。 It just goes to show how much people ___ each other by appearances。這正好說明人們在多大程度上是以貌取人的。

93。 Are there any jobs going ___ the café?咖啡館裡有什麼工作嗎?

94。 I’ll take that if it’s going ___。這個多出來的話我就拿了。

95。 I don’t think pink and yellow really ___。我覺得粉紅色和黃色不是很配。

96。 Do you think this shirt will go ___ the skirt I bought。你覺得這件襯衫和我買的裙子配嗎?

97。 Pork and apple go ___ well together。豬肉和蘋果一起吃味道特別好。

98。 As marriages go, it certainly wasn’t ___。婚姻像這個樣子當然不算枯燥乏味。

99。 We’re going all ___ for victory in this afternoon’s game。我們將拼盡全力贏得下午的這場比賽。

100。 The company will be going all out to improve ___ last year’s sales。公司將全力以赴,爭取創下比去年更好的銷售業績。


101。 It’s a town that’s ___ a lot going for it。這個小鎮有許多吸引人的地方。

102。 So ___ do you think we should go from here?那麼你說接下去我們該怎麼辦呢?

103。 Going forward, we will increase our ___ on customer service。今後我們將更加註重客戶服務。

104。 He was becoming an ___ to the government and had to go。他成了政府的恥辱,只好下臺。

105。 If Jill goes, who will take her ___?如果吉爾走了,誰來接替她呢?

106。 The policies will have to go if the party is ___ win the next election。該黨若要在下屆選舉中獲勝,這些政策必須廢除。

107。 A hundred jobs are expected to go following the ___。合併之後100個職位就會沒有了。

108。 I want to learn German but I don’t know the best way to go ___ it。我想學德語,但我不知道怎麼樣學最好。

109。 The leaflet tells you how to go about ___ a will。小冊上寫明瞭如何立遺囑。

110。 The villagers were going about their ___ as usual。村民們像往常一樣各自忙碌著。

111。 She went about her preparations in a quiet ___ way。她安安靜靜,認認真真地做著準備。

112。 Joe went after her to make sure she was ___。喬去追她,確保她沒有受傷。

113。 I can’t decide whether to go after the job ___ not。我決定不了要不要去爭取這份工作。

114。 This goes against everything I’ve been brought ___ to believe in。這和我小時候所接受的教育背道而馳。

115。 I often have to make decisions that go against the ___。我常常得作出違心的決定。

116。 She was ___ to go against her father’s wishes。她不敢違背父親的願望。

117。 His lawyer hinted that the case might go ___ him。他的律師暗示他可能敗訴。

118。 The ___ went against the government。投票結果對政府不利。

119。 They’ve decided to go ___ with plans to build 50 new houses on the site。他們決定開始規劃,在這個地塊上新建50棟住宅。

120。 I went ahead and arranged the trip ___。不管怎麼樣,我開始安排這次旅行的事情了。

121。 A judge has ___ that the music festival can go ahead。法官作出裁決,音樂節可以舉行。

122。 ‘Do you mind if I open the window?’ ‘___, go ahead。’“我開窗戶你介意嗎?”“沒關係,開吧。”

123。 If you want to leave, go ___ ahead。如果你想走,那就走吧。

124。 You go ahead and we’ll ___ you up later。你先走,我們隨後就趕上來。

125。 He stood back to let Sue go ahead ___ him。他往後靠讓休先走。

126。 Dulwich went ahead ___ 22 minutes。 22分鐘以後達利奇領先了。

127。 He was ___ the story up as he went along。他一邊講著故事,一邊往下編。

128。 I never had ___ training, I just learned the job as I went along。我從來沒有受過正規的訓練,這個工作我是邊幹邊學的。

129。 I might go along ___ the meeting tonight。我可能參加今天晚上的會議。

130。 Things ___ to be going along nicely。好像一切進展順利。

131。 I would be happy to go along ___ the idea。我樂意支援這個觀點。

132。 Often it was easier to go along with her rather than ___ an argument。一般都是順著她比較好,免得發生爭吵。

133。 You can’t go around ___ people like that。你不能老是那樣隨便指責別人。

134。 He goes around ___ a T-shirt even in winter。哪怕是冬天他也只穿一件T恤。

135。 He had a bad ___ of the flu virus that was going around。流感病毒在傳播,他也染上了。

136。 There are a lot of nasty ___ going around the school。學校裡有很多討厭的病菌在傳播。

137。 A rumor was going around that I was having an ___ with my boss。謠言四起,說我和老闆有染。

138。 There was a lot of ___ going around the village。村子裡流言蜚語很多。

139。 I used to go around with a bad ___。我過去常和一夥不三不四人在外面鬼混。

140。 Is there enough ice cream to go ___?冰淇淋夠分嗎?

141。 There were never ___ textbooks to go around。教科書從來都不夠用。

142。 That stupid song kept going around in my ___。那首愚蠢的歌曲一直縈繞在我的腦海裡。

143。 The two dogs went ___ each other。兩條狗在互相撕咬著。

144。 Mary went at the task ___ great enthusiasm。瑪麗滿腔熱情地幹起了這項工作。

145。 I went away ___ if I’d said the wrong thing。我走開了,想著我是否說錯了話。

146。 Are you going ___ this year?你今年要外出度假嗎?

147。 We’re going away ___ the weekend。我們要出去過週末。

148。 He’s going away ___ college next year。他明年要去上大學了。

149。 I’m going away ___ a business trip next week。我下個星期要去出差。

150。 ___ the crime problem won’t make it go away。對犯罪問題視而不見並不會使其自行消失。

151。 I think we ___ to go back now。我想我們現在應該回去了。

152。 I felt so ___ I just wanted to go back to bed。我感到很噁心,只想回去睡覺。

153。 I had to go back ___ my passport。我只好回去拿護照。

154。 I realized that ___ the baby was born there would be no going back。我意識到,一旦有了孩子,就回不到從前了。

155。 It’s a tradition ___ goes back at least 100 years。這個傳統至少可上溯到100年前。

156。 The building goes back ___ Roman times。這個建築物可以追溯到古羅馬時代。

157。 Peter and I go ___ 25 years。我和彼得有25年的交情了。

158。 We go back a long ___。我們是多年的老朋友了。

159。 If you go back 20 years, most people didn’t ___ a computer。20年前,大多數人沒有電腦。

160。 I’d like to go back to the point that was ___ earlier。我想重申前面講過的一點。

161。 Delors claimed that the President had gong back on his ___。德洛爾聲稱總統違背了諾言。

162。 He went back to ___。他又入睡了。

163。 He went back to ___ TV。她又繼續看電視了。

164。 In some ways this program improves on ___ has gone before。這個程式在有些方面比以前有了改進。

165。 The case will go ___ the court。這個案子將在法庭審理。

166。 The proposal is ___ to go before the committee。這個天可能會提交給委員會討論。

167。 Their relationship had gone ___ friendship。他們已經超出了朋友關係。

168。 This goes beyond all ___ of acceptable behavior。這是絕對不允許的行為。

169。 Things will get ___ as time goes by。隨著時間過去,情況會好起來的。

170。 As the weeks went by, I became more and more ___。一週又一週過去了,我越來越擔心。

171。 Hardly a week goes by ___ some food scare being reported in the media。媒體上幾乎每週都有食物恐慌的報道。

172。 These herbs would have been grown for medicinal ___ in days gone by。以前這些香草可能是當作藥材來種的。

173。 You can’t always go by ___。你不能總是以貌取人。

174。 If his past plays are ___ to go by, this should be a play worth watching。照她以往的劇作來看,這齣戲應該是值得一看的。

175。 Only a fool goes by the ___ all the same。只有傻瓜才會什麼時候都循規蹈矩的。

176。 There was no doubt that the referee had gone by the ___。毫無疑問,裁判員是嚴格按照比賽規則來判的。

177。 His income went ___ last year。去年他的收入減少了。

178。 Computers have gone down ___ price。電腦價格下跌了。

179。 Spending has gone down ___ 2%。支出減少了2%。

180。 This neighborhood has really gone down in the ___ few years。這個街區最近幾年大不如前了。

181。 His suggestion did not go ___ very well。他的建議沒有得到很好的反響。

182。 The movie went down very well ___ America。這部影片在美國深受好評。

183。 The speech went down a ___ with members。這個演說在會員中反映很好。

184。 The idea went down like a ___ balloon。這個想法沒有得到大家的響應。

185。 I’m not ___ hungry so a salad would go down nicely。我不是很餓,來一份色拉就夠了。

186。 We’re going ___ to Bournemouth for the weekend。我們打算去伯恩茅斯度週末。

187。 He’s gone down to the store to ___ some milk。他去商店買牛奶了。

188。 Does anyone want to go down the ___ tonight?今天晚上有誰想去酒吧嗎?

189。 Ten men died ___ the ship went down。船沉了,十人遇難。

190。 An emergency ___ was received shortly before the plane went down。墜機前不久收到過緊急呼救。

191。 The swelling will go down if you ___ your foot。讓腿休息休息,腫脹就會消失。

192。 Your tire’s ___ down。你的輪胎癟了。

193。 The talks went down as a ___ in the peace process。這幾次會談成了和平程序中的一個里程碑。

194。 The carnival will go down in ___ as one of the best ever。這次狂歡節將作為有史以來最精彩的一次為後人稱道。

195。 The Hawkers went ___ 5-9。鷹隊以5比9落敗。

196。 The government went down ___ 71 votes。政府以71票失利。

197。 Liverpool went down ___ Juventus。利物浦隊輸給了尤文圖斯隊。

198。 United went down to the second ___。聯隊降為乙級。

199。 If one of the file servers went down, you ___ the whole network。檔案伺服器只要有一個癱瘓,整個網路就不能用了。

200。 The light went down and the curtain rose on an ___ stage。燈光暗下來,帷幕升起,露出空蕩蕩的舞臺。


201。 The wind had gone down but the night had turned ___。風小了,但是夜更冷了。

202。 He went down ___ five years。他在牢裡蹲了五年。

203。 He’s the guy ___ knows what’s going down。他是那種訊息靈通的人。

204。 Half the team had gone down ___ flu。隊裡一半的人都患了流感。

205。 The dog suddenly went ___ me。那條狗突然向我撲來。

206。 Jackson is going ___ his second gold medal here。傑克遜在爭取拿到在這裡比賽的第二塊金牌。

207。 If you really want the job, go for ___!。如果你真的想要那份工作,那就好好爭取吧!

208。 I think I’ll go for ___ chocolate cake。我想我就選巧克力蛋糕吧。

209。 A ___ meal for less than five bucks! I could go for that!一頓豐盛的飯菜連五美元都不到!我要了!

210。 Annie ___ to go for older men。安妮一貫喜歡年長的男人。

211。 Close all the doors and lock them when you go out。 The ___ goes for windows。出去的時候要關上並鎖好所有的門,窗子也一樣。

212。 I go___ for all the competitions。我什麼比賽都參加。

213。 I never really went in ___ sports。我對體育活動從來都不是很感興趣。

214。 I suppose I could go in for ___。我想我可以從事廣告行業。

215。 Ellie’s going in ___ a friend who’s just started a café。愛莉打算和一位剛開了一間咖啡館的朋友合夥。

216。 I always wanted to go ___ nursing。 我一直在想從事護理工作。

217。 She’s thinking of ___ into business。她在考慮去經商。

218。 Years of research have ___ into this book。這本書記錄了作者多年研究的心得。

219。 A great deal of time and effort has gone into ensuring that the event ___ smoothly。為了確保活動順利進行,大量的時間和精力已投入其中。

220。 I don’t want to go into the ___ now。我現在不想詳談這件事。

221。 I don’t want to go into ___ now。我現在不想細談。

222。 Go into your D ___。開啟你的D盤。

223。 She went into ___ at midnight and the baby was born at 8 am。她半夜開始分娩,早上8點孩子出生。

224。 The company went into ___。這家公司停業清盤了。

225。 His car went into a lamppost in the ___ street。他的車子撞上了大街的路燈柱。

226。 12 goes into 60 five ___。60除以12得5。

227。 The plane had gone into a ___ descent。飛機已經開始陡降。

228。 John decided to go off ___ his own。約翰決定自己一個人走。

229。 He went off to work ___ usual。他和往常一樣去上班。

230。 Geoff went ___ to play golf。傑夫去打高爾夫球了。

231。 The ___ went off at 6。30 this morning。炸彈在今晨6時30分爆炸。

232。 Fireworks were going off all ___ the city。城裡到處在燃放煙花。

233。 The gun went off and the bullet went flying ___ his head。槍響了,子彈從他頭上飛過。

234。 The thieves ran away when the ___ went off。警報器一響,小偷就逃走了。

235。 I’ve ___ the alarm clock to go off at 7 am。我把鬧鐘設在早上7點。

236。 Many women go off ___ during pregnancy。許多女性懷孕時不再喝咖啡。

237。 I’ve gone off ___ lately。我最近對做飯不感興趣了。

238。 The central ___ goes off at 9 o’clock。中央供暖系統9點鐘停開。

239。 Suddenly, all the lights went ___。霎時間,所有的燈都熄滅了。

240。 The party went off very ___。派對開得很順利。

241。 There was a blazing ___ going off next door。隔壁吵得正凶。

242。 The milk’s ___ off。牛奶壞了。

243。 I’d just gone off to sleep ___ the phone rang。我剛入睡,電話鈴響了。

244。 He’s a singer whose ___ had gone off in recent years。他是一名近來才華已盡的歌手。

245。 She’s gone off ___ her husband’s best friend。 她跟她丈夫最好的朋友跑了。

246。 ___ gone off with my pen?誰拿走了我的鋼筆?

247。 He went ___ working until he was 91。他一直工作到91歲。

248。 One of the actors was ___ and couldn’t go on with the performance。其中一名演員身體不適,不能繼續演出。

249。 I can’t go on like this ___ much longer。像這樣子我支撐不了多久。

250。 The noise goes on 24 hours ___ day。噪音一天24小時不消停。

251。 The screaming went ___ and on。尖叫聲持續了很久。

252。 I don’t know ___ going on。我不知道發生了什麼事情。

253。 What were the children doing ___ all this was going on?這一切發生時孩子們都在幹什麼?

254。 Like all good ___, there is plenty going on。和所有的旅遊勝地一樣,這裡也非常熱鬧。

255。 She went on to become a successful ___。她後來成為一名成功的外科醫生。

256。 Go on to the ___ question when you’ve finished。做完後接著做下一道題。

257。 Go ___, I’m listening。接著說呀,我在聽呢。

258。 ‘But,’ he went on, ‘we have to deal with the problems we’re ___。’“但是,”他接著說,“我們必須解決現在面臨的問題。”

259。 After a short ___ Maria went on with her story。瑪利亞停頓了一會兒,又接著講她的故事。

260。 Go on, have ___ piece of cake。來吧,再吃一塊蛋糕。

261。 ‘Are you sure you ___ have another drink?’ ‘Oh, go on then。’“你真的不再來一杯嗎?”“噢,那就再來一杯吧。”

262。 ‘Can I go outside, Dad?’ ‘ Yeah, go on ___。’“我能出去嗎,爸爸?”“行,你去吧。”

263。 Police haven’t much to go on in their ___ for the killer。警方手中追查兇手的線索不多。

264。 The heat goes on ___ at 6 o’clock。6點開始自動供暖。

265。 As time went on, I grew ___ of him。隨著時間的推移,我慢慢開始喜歡他了。

266。 The way she’s going on, she’ll have a ___ breakdown。她這樣下去精神會崩潰的。

267。 Nancy must be going ___ for 60。南希肯定快60歲了。

268。 She’s one of those ___ teenagers who’s 16 going on 70。她是那種少年老成的聰明女孩,16歲的人好像有70歲的見識。

269。 Bill went on in the car and I followed ___ foot。比爾坐車先走,我步行跟在後面。

270。 I really like Clare but she ___ go on。我很喜歡克萊爾,不過她太愛嘮叨了。

271。 I got ___ of him going on about all her problems。他沒完沒了講她的各種問題,我都挺煩了。

272。 He just went on and ___ about his new girlfriend。他一個勁地講他的新女友。

273。 The way she went on, you would have thought it was all my ___。她如此數落指責,你會覺得一切都是我的錯。

274。 Stop going on ___ me!別再數落我了!

275。 My wife’s always going on at me to ___ better。我妻子老是嘮叨,要我穿得好些。

276。 He’s always going on at me ___ fixing the door。他老是纏著要我修門。

277。 Have you got enough money to be going on ___?你現在錢夠用嗎?

278。 Are you going ___ tonight?你今晚要出去嗎?

279。 We went out for a meal and then ___ to a movie。我們出去吃了飯,然後又看了一場電影。

280。 Liam goes out ___ every Friday。利亞姆每個星期五都出去喝酒。

281。 Can I go out to ___ now?我現在可以出去玩嗎?

282。 You should go out and ___ some fresh air?你應該出去呼吸一下新鮮空氣。

283。 They’ve been going ___ for two years now。他們談戀愛已經兩年了。

284。 Tina used to go out ___ my brother。蒂娜以前和我哥哥談過戀愛。

285。 How long have been going out ___?你們倆交往有多長時間了?

286。 Suddenly the candle went ___。蠟燭突然熄滅了。

287。 The programme goes out ___ at 5 o’clock on Mondays。這個節目每週一5點現場直播。

288。 The magazine goes out ___ all members at the end of the month。雜誌會於月底寄給所有會員。

289。 He went out ___ the first round。他第一輪就被淘汰了。

290。 They are looking for ___ to go out to Saudi Arabia。他們在尋找護理人員到沙烏地阿拉伯去。

291。 Hats like that went out ___ ago。那樣的帽子早就不流行了。

292。 This kind of entertainment went out with the ___。這種娛樂老掉牙了。

293。 The appeal went out for food and ___。呼籲號召公眾提供食品和藥品。

294。 Our ___ go out to the victim’s family。我們非常同情受害者的家人。

295。 March went out with ___ winds and rain。3月份在勁風暴雨中結束。

296。 I had gone over and over ___ happened in my mind。發生了這一切,我在心裡想了又想。

297。 In the competition, the judge goes over each dog and assesses ___。比賽中,評委仔細檢查每一條狗,給它們評分。

298。 Once again I went over ___ what I needed to say。我把要說的話又一字不差地重複了一遍。

299。 That kind of salesman ___ doesn’t go over very well with the scientists。那種推銷的說辭,科學家是不會相信的。

300。 We’re going ___ to the White House for an important announcement。我們把鏡頭切換到白宮,收看一則重要公告的釋出。

301。 They went over to a ___ computerized records system。他們改用電子化的檔案系統。

302。 When you’re going through a crisis, it often helps to ___ to someone。遇到危機的時候,找個人說說往往很有幫助。

303。 He’s going through a ___ at the moment。目前他正經歷離婚的變故。

304。 It is devastating for a parent to watch a child go through a ___。看著孩子經歷痛苦會讓父母心碎。

305。 Candidates must go through a ___ of selection。候選人必須經過篩選。

306。 Caterpillars go through several ___ of growth。毛蟲要經歷好幾個生長階段。

307。 We went through five ___ of milk last week。我們上個星期用了五品脫牛奶。

308。 He accepted the ___ and the deal went through。他接受了這個報價,生意成交了。

309。 The sale of the land went ___。土地買賣成交了。

310。 Let’s go through the whole ___ again, from the beginning。我們從頭開始在排練一遍吧。

311。 Dave went through his pockets ___ for the keys。戴夫翻遍了衣袋找鑰匙。

312。 ___ officers went through all my bags。海關官員檢查了我所有的旅行袋。

313。 We’ll go through the details later ___。我們稍後再討論細節。

314。 Do you want me to go through this and ___ your spellings?你要我把這通讀一遍,幫你檢查拼寫嗎?

315。 He bravely went through with the wedding ceremony even ___ he was in a lot of pain。 他雖然疼痛萬分,但還是以驚人的毅力堅持到婚禮結束。

316。 I had no choice but ___ go through with it。我沒有別的選擇,只有堅持到底。

317。 I ___ down and went to sleep。我躺下來睡覺了。

318。 Britain and Germany ___ to war in 1939。 1939年,英國和德國開戰。

319。 All the money ___ will go to local charities。募集的所有錢款都將捐給當地的慈善機構。

320。 Alcohol ___ and eating disorders often go together。酗酒往往伴隨著飲食紊亂。

321。 The money will go ___ a new hospice。這筆錢將用於支付新建臨終安養院的部分費用。

322。 All money raised will go towards ___ the building。所籌資金都將用於支付修繕大樓的部分款項。

323。 More than 7,000 businesses have gone ___ in the last three months。在過去三個月裡有7,000多家公司倒閉。

324。 The Titanic ___ went under。“泰坦尼克”號最後還是沉沒了。

325。 She went under, ___ and spluttering。她身子往下沉,邊咳嗽邊呼呼地吐氣。

326。 Train ___ have gone up。火車票漲價了。

327。 Blood-sugar levels go up as you ___ food。消化食物的時候血糖會上升。

328。 Unemployment in the country has gone up ___ a million。國內的失業人數增加了100萬。

329。 Spending ___ research went up from $426 to $461 million。研究費用從4。26億美元增加到了4。61億美元。

330。 It ___ a lovely place before all these new houses went up。在這些新房子蓋起來之前,這兒原來是一個很漂亮的地方。

331。 He had ___ the gas on and the whole kitchen went up。他沒有關煤氣,整個廚房都燒起來了。

332。 The whole building went up in ___。整座大樓燃起了熊熊大火。

333。 A great ___ went up from the audience。觀眾爆發出熱烈的歡呼聲。

334。 We’re going up to ___ next weekend。我們下個週末要去蘇格蘭。

335。 He went up to the farm to ___ some eggs。他上農場去拿些雞蛋。

336。 When the lights went up at the end of the ___, we began to leave the theater。演出結束後燈光亮起的時候,我們開始離開劇院。

337。 The house goes ___ the job。這份工作提供住房。

338。 He had fame, money, and everything ___ goes with it。他有名有利,還有名利所帶來的一切。

339。 Responsibility ___ with becoming a father。當了父親也就有了責任。

340。 ___ health often goes with poverty。疾病經常與貧窮相伴。

341。 Let’s go with John’s ___ proposal。我們聽從約翰原來的提議吧。

342。 I like to give the children what they want even if I have to go ___。孩子們想要的,我寧可自己不要也要給他們。

343。 It is ___ to go without food for a few days。幾天不吃東西是可以的。

344。 The Internet, too, it goes without ___, is a good source of information。不用說因特網也是一個很好的資訊來源。

345。 ‘I can’t open this drawer,’ ‘Here, let me have a ___。’“這個抽屜我打不開。”“來,讓我試試看。”

346。 On the tour, everyone can have a go ___ making a pot。這次去參觀,每個人都可以試做一個陶罐。

347。 I’d thought about it for some time and decided to give ___ a go。這事我考慮了一段時間,決定嘗試一下。

348。 I had a ___ go at cleaning the silver。我費了老大的勁清潔銀器。

349。 Ruby blew ___ all her candles at one go。魯比一口氣吹滅了所有的蠟燭。

350。 I’m not sure it will work but ___ worth a go。我不知道這是否可行,但是值得一試。

351。 Whose go is it? It’s your ___。 輪到誰了?輪到你了。

352。 Can I have a go ___ your guitar?我能玩玩你的吉他嗎?

353。 ___ I get a go?就沒有我的機會嗎?

354。 Nikki was determined to make a go ___ the business。尼基下決心一定要把公司辦成功。

355。 Many businesses are ___ hard to make a go of it。許多公司都在努力打拼,想幹出一番名堂。

356。 ___ $3 a go, the cards are not cheap。這卡片3美元一張,不便宜。

357。 Even with three top films on the go, Michelle is ___ to talk about herself。雖然在忙著拍三部大片,米歇爾還是不願意談論自己。

358。 He has at least two other projects ___ the go。他至少還有兩個其他的專案在忙。

359。 Children are ___ on the go。小孩子總是閒不住。

360。 The ___ to London is a go。倫敦之行敲定了。

361。 The hotel is ___ go for dogs。賓館裡不允許帶狗進來。

362。 It’s all go ___ here。這裡很忙。

363。 It’s all go in the commercial ___ market。商業地產市場非常活躍。

364。 You’re always ___ a go。你老是在說人家的不是。

365。 Will you ___ having a go at me!你別說我了好不好?

366。 Mum had a go at me for ___ doing my homework。媽媽因為我沒有做家庭作業而數落我。

367。 A whole gang of yobs were standing around, ___ waiting to have a go。一幫野小子站在那裡,就等著尋釁打架。

368。 The public should not ___ encouraged to have a go。不應鼓勵公眾自行抓壞人。

369。 There’s plenty of go ___ him yet。他依然精力充沛。


朗文當代高階英語詞典[M]。 北京:外語教學與研究出版社, PEARSON。 2014


1 more 2 to 3 Germany 4 going 5 Canada 6 into 7 over 8 round 9 up 10 go 11 much 12 way 13 quicker 14 Go 15 to 16 crashing 17 flying 18 rushing 19 Are 20 rock 21 these 22 last 23 let’s 24 to 25 going 26 for 27 to 28 on 29 what 30 was 31 to 32 middle 33 around 34 bankrupt 35 mouldy 36 grey 37 crazy 38 wild 39 go 40 well 41 fine 42 way 43 cut 44 it 45 go 46 on 47 all 48 to 49 through 50 forced 51 unanswered 52 unnoticed 53 ready 54 going 55 on 56 isn’t 57 get 58 with 59 meant 60 bang 61 telling 62 gone 63 to 64 sat 65 left 66 corn 67 there 68 if 69 this 70 goes 71 captain’s 72 mark 73 jumping 74 yet 75 gone 76 starting 77 mind 78 in 79 gone 80 at 81 on 82 scattered 83 where 84 rent 85 for 86 bidder 87 which 88 any 89 to 90 so 91 fame 92 judge 93 at 94 spare 95 go 96 with 97 especially 98 dull 99 out 100 on 101 got 102 where 103 focus 104 embarrassed 105 place 106 to 107 merger 108 about 109 making 110 business 111 businesslike 112 unhurt 113 or 114 up 115 grain 116 scared 117 against 118 vote 119 ahead 120 anyway 121 ruled 122 No 123 right 124 catch 125 of 126 offer 127 making 128 formal 129 to 130 seem 131 with 132 risk 133 accusing 134 in 135 dose 136 bugs 137 affair 138 gossip 139 crowd 140 around 141 enough 142 head 143 at 144 with 145 wondering 146 away 147 for 148 to 149 on 150 Ignoring 151 ought 152 sick 153 for 154 once 155 that 156 to 157 back 158 way 159 own 160 made 161 word 162 sleep 163 watching 164 what 165 before 166 likely 167 beyond 168 limits 169 easier 170 worried 171 without 172 purposes 173 appearances 174 anything 175 rules 176 book 177 down 178 in 179 by 180 last 181 down 182 in 183 treat 184 lead 185 that 186 down 187 get 188 pub 189 when 190 call 191 rest 192 gone 193 landmark 194 history 195 down 196 by 197 to 198 division 199 lost 200 empty 201 chilly 202 for 203 who 204 with 205 for 206 for 207 it 208 the 209 full 210 tends 211 same 212 in 213 for 214 advertising 215 with 216 into 217 going 218 gone 219 runs 220 matter 221 details 222 drive 223 labor 224 liquidation 225 high 226 times 227 steep 228 on 229 as 230 off 231 bomb 232 over 233 over 234 alarm 235 set 236 coffee 237 cooking 238 heating 239 off 240 well 241 row 242 gone 243 when 244 talent 245 with 246 Who’s 247 on 248 unwell 249 for 250 a 251 on 252 what’s 253 while 254 resorts 255 surgeon 256 next 257 on 258 facing 259 pause 260 another 261 won’t 262 then 263 hunt 264 automatically 265 fond 266 nervous 267 on 268 wise 269 on 270 does 271 tired 272 on 273 fault 274 at 275 dress 276 about 277 with 278 out 279 on 280 drinking 281 play 282 get 283 out 284 with 285 together 286 out 287 live 288 to 289 in 290 nurses 291 years 292 ark 293 medicines 294 hearts 295 high 296 what 297 it 298 exactly 299 talk 300 over 301 computerized 302 talk 303 divorce 304 misery 305 process 306 stages 307 pints 308 off 309 through 310 thing 311 looking 312 Customs 313 on 314 check 315 though 316 to 317 lay 318 went 319 raised 320 abuse 321 towards 322 renovating 323 under 324 finally 325 coughing 326 fares 327 digest 328 by 329 on 330 was 331 left 332 flames 333 cheat 334 Scotland 335 het 336 performance 337 with 338 that 339 goes 340 Ill 341 original 342 without 343 possible 344 saying 345 go 346 at 347 it 348 good 349 out 350 it’s 351 go 352 on 353 Don’t 354 of 355 struggling 356 At 357 reluctant 358 on 359 always 360 trip 361 no 362 around 363 property 364 having 365 stop 367 not 368 be 369 in