General Partner與Limited Partner之區別及其相關內容

General partner 普通合夥人;無限(責任)合夥人

指在普通合夥〔general partnership〕中的合夥人;也指在有限合夥〔limited partnership〕中完全參與合夥組織的經營管理,分享利益,分擔虧損,並以個人財產對合夥組織的全部債務承擔責任的合夥人,故與有限合夥人〔limited partner〕相對,後者僅以其出資為限對合夥債務承擔責任。

A general partner is one of two or more investors who jointly own a business and assume a day-to-day role in managing it。 A general partner has the authority to act on behalf of the business without the knowledge or permission of the other partners。 Unlike a limited or silent partner, the general partner may have unlimited liability for the debts of the business。 [Important: The general partner shares the expenses and responsibilities of operating the business and shares in the profits if it is successful。] 具體例句如下,可供參考:


A general partner may be held personally responsible for the liabilities of the partnership。 For example, a patient might sue a doctor for medical malpractice。 In some cases, courts have allowed the client to proceed against all of the general partners in the medical practice。



If the court enters a judgment in favor of the client, all the general partners would be financially responsible。 In fact, the general partner with the most money invested in the business could bear a larger proportion of the penalty than the general partner whose alleged malpractice caused the suit。



General partner is a person who joins with at least one other person to form a business。 A general partner has responsibility for the actions of the business, can legally bind the business and is personally liable for all the business’s debts and obligations。


General Partner與Limited Partner之區別及其相關內容

有限合夥人 limited partner

與普通合夥人〔general partner〕相對,指根據合夥協議加入有限合夥組織的有限合夥人,其對第三人——合夥之債權人——的責任僅限於其在合夥中的投資額。

A limited partner is a part-owner of a company whose liability for the firm’s debts cannot exceed the amount that an individual invested in the company。 Limited partners are often called silent partners。 A limited partner invests money in exchange for shares in the partnership but has restricted voting power on company business and no day-to-day involvement in the business。


Although state laws vary, a limited partner doesn’t generally have the full voting power on the company business of a general partner。 The IRS thus considers the limited partner’s income from the business to be passive income。 A limited partner who participates in a partnership for more than 500 hours in a year may be viewed as a general partner。



Some states allow limited partners to vote on issues affecting the basic structure or the continued existence of the partnership。 Those issues include removing general partners, terminating the partnership, amending the partnership agreement, or selling most or all of the company’s assets。



A limited partner has purchased shares in the partnership as an investment but is not involved in its day-to-day business。 Limited partners cannot incur obligations on behalf of the partnership, participate in daily operations, or manage the operation。

