“拆穿謊言”別說“see through the lie”,這一表達地道!

大家好,歡迎來的餅哥英語的頻道,今天我們分享一個非常有用且地道的表達——拆穿謊言, 這個短語的含義不是指“see through the lie”,其正確的含義是:

nail a lie 拆穿謊言

The model has gone on record numerous times to nail the lie that her photographs had been digitally altered by the magazine。


We‘re working to nail a lie that has continued to be spread for years: that simply giving up carbs will help you permanently lose weight。


I don’t want to nail a lie because that would be embarrassing for both of us。


Space chiefs finally nailed the lie that astronauts never went to the Moon。


She didn‘t attend class yesterday。 I nailed the lie。


“拆穿謊言”別說“see through the lie”,這一表達地道!