reap a bitter harvest 就是自食其果啦

reap a bitter harvest 就是自食其果啦

昨天在書中看到一句名言覺得受益匪淺,今天就分享給大家~Don‘t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant。 不要以收穫來評價每一天,而要以你是如何播種來判斷。

reap a bitter harvest 就是自食其果啦

多麼實在的一句話啊,我們每個人的生活不就是如此嘛!莫問收穫,但問耕耘。我覺得這話用在英語學習中亦是如此。“reap”就是“收割、收穫、獲得”的意思,英語中還有個短語 reap the harvest 就是受益匪淺,那如果 reap a bitter harvest (收割了苦澀的莊稼)就是自食其果啦。

reap a bitter harvest 就是自食其果啦

reap the harvest, benefit, reward, etc。


【En】to get good or bad results from your actions。


to suffer or benefit as a result of past actions。


If you reap the harvest, you benefit or suffer from the results of your past actions or of someone else’s past actions。


reap a bitter harvest 就是自食其果啦

【Scenario Listening 場景聽力】

● The company is now reaping the harvest of careful planning。


● The Israeli Prime Minister must be convinced that he will reap a richer harvest of votes by going to the electorate well before October。


reap a bitter harvest 就是自食其果啦

【Scenario Example 場景示例】

● She studied every evening and reaped the benefit at exam time。


● We sold them most of their modern weapons and now we are reaping the bitter harvest。


● You have three papers due on Monday? It sounds like you‘re reaping the harvest of your procrastination。


reap a bitter harvest 就是自食其果啦

● He’s a player at the top of his game, reaping the harvest of his own hard work。 In subsequent years he would reap the harvest of his excellent training。


● His attacking policies have reaped a particularly good harvest overseas, where he is well known as a shrewd businessman。


reap a bitter harvest 就是自食其果啦

● He had certainly feltthat he should reap some sort of a harvest。


● If we plant a good seed, we reap a good harvest。


● Only by working hard can we reap a bumper harvest。


reap a bitter harvest 就是自食其果啦

reap a bitter harvest 就是自食其果啦