

在朗費羅眾多的詩作中,《鎧甲骷髏》(The Skeleton in Armor)是最具有想象力和浪漫主義之瑰奇色彩的一首詩。這首詩虛構了一個北歐維京海盜攜妻橫渡大洋在北美定居直至死亡,若干年後他的骷髏向詩人敘述自己往事的故事。



文字中的古代海盜就是這樣一個以遊獵冒險、殺人越貨為生的維京人(I was a Viking old!)。正如古代維京人所追求的那樣,他即便死去幾百年,也依然要追求留下不滅的亡者之名:因此,即便成了一具骷髏,他也要來找到敘事者即詩人,要求他以詩篇記敘他的事蹟(Take heed, that in thy verse/Thou dost the tale rehearse,/Else dread a dead man’s curse;/For this I sought thee。)。朗費羅所刻畫的這一人物形象,自然是極為切合歷史、切合維京人尤其是尚武而好名的古維京男性的民族特點。


朗費羅在這首詩的註解中寫道,在馬薩諸塞州的佛河城,曾挖掘出一具披著殘破鏽蝕鎧甲的骷髏,而在羅德島上的新港,有一座古代遺留下來的圓塔,據丹麥人說,此塔乃是他們的祖先即中古時來到北美東海岸的維京人所建造。他就將這兩個物象聯絡起來,放在古維京人在北美建立殖民地的歷史背景中。在他的想象中,骷髏活著的時候,為妻子修建了這個圓塔作為她的閨房(”There for my lady’s bower/Built I the lofty tower,/Which, to this very hour,/ Stands looking seaward。”)並在她離世後把她埋在塔下(”Death closed her mild blue eyes,/Under that tower she lies”),然後,毅然決然地穿上鎧甲,以長矛結束自己的生命(In the vast forest here,/Clad in my warlike gear,/Fell I upon my spear)。



詩歌的第二部分,詩人借骷髏之口,向讀者展現了一個古代維京海盜的成長曆程以及他生活的環境。在荒涼的波羅的海濱,主人公自幼就在惡劣的環境中過著訓鷹獵熊,與野獸相伴的生活。這樣的生活自然磨練出他的野性,為塑造他的個性做鋪墊。接著,在其成年後,一如當時所有的維京男性一樣,他成為一個海盜,一個殺人越貨的狂戰士(berserkir,請注意這個維京單詞與英文單詞berserk的關係):”Wild was the life we led;/Many the souls that sped,/Many the hearts that bled,/By our stern orders。”

詩歌的第三部分是整個敘事詩的核心部分。在這一部分,主人公遇見了王爺(擁有土地的貴族)美麗的女兒藍眼姑娘(blue-eyed maid),並與她相愛。但王爺自然不會把女兒嫁給他,於是他在一個夜晚與藍眼姑娘私奔,並在海上透過惡戰把王爺和追兵的戰船打發到海底。這一部分描寫極為精彩,在短短的九段七十二行,極富戲劇性。首先,是與藍眼姑娘的偶遇,他感到了一個女性的溫柔對自己的觸動、影響:Soft eyes did gaze on me,/Burning yet tender; /And as the white stars shine/On the dark Norway pine,On that dark heart of mine/Fell their softsplendor。接著,他勇敢地向藍眼姑娘求愛,並得到了她的青睞。詩人以一句Yielding, yet half afraid表現了少女的心理活動,再以密林中私定終身(And in the forest’s shade/Our vows were plighted)賦予了藍眼姑娘以精煉而豐富的心理和行動,使她以一個鮮活的形象出現在讀者面前。緊接著,愛情遭遇阻力:他的求婚遭到王爺的嘲笑。但峰迴路轉,在那個夜晚,藍眼姑娘的閨房卻無人看守(Why did they leave that night/Her nest unguarded?)於是他們有機會出逃,但詩人給予故事一個極為緊湊的安排:他們剛剛上船,王爺的追兵就來到海濱。詩人再以“和我們為難”的海風賦予更緊張的氣氛:主人公的船被吹向追兵,即將短兵相接!(看到這裡,真希望梅爾吉布森把這首詩拍成電影。)於是主人公和他的同夥以魚死網破的姿態,駕船撞向王爺的船。(Mid-ships with iron keel/Struck we her ribs of steel;/Down her black hulk did reel/Through the black water!)在這一段,詩人表現出他對中世紀北歐文化和對北歐地理的熟悉,我們從幾個細節描寫可見一斑:

對藍眼姑娘的描寫,是“嬌小的胸脯”,這完全符合中世紀中期歐洲人對女性形體美的審美觀;虛構一個北歐貴族,沒有想當然地搞出Wilson Edwards這樣的英式名字來,而是按著古維京貴族常用的名字“喜德布蘭”(Hildebrand)來稱呼他。至於“斯科角”、以船的鐵龍骨撞擊黑色的敵船,更是在細節上體現出詩人的地理與歷史知識之積澱。

成功出逃以後的敘述,就是文字的第四部分。高潮之後,歸於平靜,經過三個星期的海上航行,他們定居在北美,他為她修建閨房,她成為一個母親,多年後安靜地離世。這位曾經的海盜深情地嘆息:太陽底下再也不會有/另一個這樣可愛的人!(Ne’er shall the sun arise/On such another!)在這時,他一定會想起流傳在維京人中的那句話:“親亡畜死,苦短吾生。”最愛的人已經離世,自己還有什麼心思再活下去呢?讀到這裡,不禁讓人想起莫爾的詩:“誰還願意在這淒涼的世界/孤苦伶仃地留連不去?”(Oh! Who would inhabit/This bleak world alone?)然而,維京人是不為死者流淚的(眼淚會從墳墓喚起死者)。那麼,就以一個勇武的異教徒的方式結束自己的生命吧!按著戰士的死法,主人公披上鎧甲,向著倒插在地上的長矛一躍而起,然後,這位奧丁的子民就“靈魂升了天,攀登故國的星辰!”慘烈!悲涼!雄壯!深情!這才是一個維京人的死法——按著前基督教時代北歐人的習俗,為親人陪葬是受到讚許的,那就為妻子殉葬吧。然而,問題又來了:既已魂昇天國,又為何來找詩人呢?還是那句格言:“一物不滅:亡者之名。”




The Skeleton in Armor 鎧甲骷髏 (楊德豫譯)

“Speak! speak! thou fearful guest! “可怕的客人!你說!你說!

Who, with thy hollow breast 你那空洞的胸窩

Still in rude armor drest, 仍然披掛著粗笨的鎧甲,

Comest to daunt me! 到這兒來驚嚇我!

Wrapt not in Eastern balms, 不曾塗裹東方的香膏,

But with thy fleshless palms 無肉的手掌伸著,

Stretched, as if asking alms, 像是在乞求佈施,

Why dost thou haunt me?” 為什麼你纏住我?”

Then, from those cavernous eyes 於是,從那凹陷的眼眶

Pale flashes seemed to rise, 隱約現出慘白的微光,

As when the Northern skies 好似北國的天穹

Gleam in December; 在十二月閃亮;

And, like the water’s flow 好似十二月的水

Under December’s snow, 潛流在冰雪的底層,

Came a dull voice of woe 從心房深處吐出

From the heart’schamber。 含糊、悽切的語聲。

“I was a Viking old! “我是個古代的海盜,

My deeds, though manifold, 有多種多樣的事蹟,

No Skald in song has told, 從沒有歌唱者唱過它們,

No Saga taught thee! 也沒有故事將它們告訴你。

Take heed, that in thy verse 留神!你必須把我的事蹟

Thou dost the tale rehearse, 敘寫在你的詩篇裡,

Else dread a dead man’s curse; 否則,當心死者的詛咒!

For this I sought thee。 就為了這個,我才找你。

“Far in the Northern Land, “在那遙遠的北國,

By the wild Baltic’s strand, 在荒涼的波羅的海濱,

I, with my childish hand, 我用幼時的小手

Tamed the gerfalcon; 馴養北方的大鷹;

And, with my skates fast-bound, 穿著緊縛的冰鞋,

Skimmed the half-frozen Sound, 在半凍的海峽上滑行,

That the poor whimpering hound 那可憐的、驚吠著的獵犬

Trembled to walk on。 戰兢兢踏上冰凌。


“Oft to his frozen lair “我常追逐獰惡的熊

Tracked I the grisly bear, 到它冰封的穴洞,

While from my path the hare 野兔從路旁逃竄,

Fled like a shadow; 影子般轉瞬無蹤;

Oft through the forest dark 我常穿過黑樹林

Followed the were-wolf’s bark, 跟隨巨狼的悲鳴,

Until the soaring lark 聽到高飛的百靈鳥

Sang from the meadow。 在草原唱起歌聲。

“But when I older grew, “後來我漸漸長大,

Joining a corsair’s crew, 加入海盜的一幫,

O’er the dark sea I flew 我和這些掠奪者一起

With the marauders。 飛躍陰沉的海洋。

Wild was the life we led; 我們的生活狂暴,

Many the souls that sped, 我們的號令森嚴:

Many the hearts that bled, 叫多少心臟流血,

By our stern orders。 送多少靈魂上天!

“Many a wassail-bout “無數次飲讌作樂,

Wore the long Winter out; 消磨漫長的冬季;

Often our midnight shout 我們午夜的狂呼

Set the cocks crowing, 常常使雄雞驚啼;

As we the Berserk’s tale 像北方武士記數,

Measured in cups of ale, 用一杯杯麥酒算計,

Draining the oaken pail, 我們喝乾橡木桶,

Filled to o’erflowing。 一個個爛醉如泥。


“Once as I told in glee “有一回我興奮地講著

Tales of the stormy sea, 海上風暴的故事,

Soft eyes did gaze on me, 一雙熱情而嫵媚的眼睛

Burning yet tender; 溫柔地向我凝視;

And as the white stars shine 像在幽暗的挪威松頂

On the dark Norway pine, 閃爍的點點銀星,

On that dark heart of mine 這雙星眸的清輝

Fell their softsplendor。 照臨我幽暗的心靈。

“I wooed the blue-eyed maid, “我向著藍眼姑娘求愛,

Yielding, yet half afraid, 她是順從的,又有些害怕,

And in the forest’s shade 在密林的濃蔭裡,

Our vows were plighted。 我們把誓約定下。

Under its loosened vest 她那嬌小的胸脯

Fluttered her little breast, 在寬鬆的衣衫裡震顫,

Like birds within their nest 好似巢中的鳥兒,

By the hawk frighted。 受到鷹隼的驚嚇。

“Bright in her father’s hall “在她父親的殿堂,

Shields gleamed upon the wall, 牆頭的盾牌閃亮,

Loud sang the minstrels all, 樂師們高聲合唱,

Chanting his glory; 讚頌他的榮光;

When of old Hildebrand 我向老喜德布蘭請求

I asked his daughter’s hand, 娶他的女兒為妻子,

Mute did the minstrels stand 樂師們靜靜地站著,

To hear my story。 聽我講我的經歷。

“While the brown ale he quaffed, “傲然暢飲褐麥酒,

Loud then the champion laughed, 王爺高聲笑呵呵,

And as the wind-gusts waft 好似一陣風颳來

The sea-foam brightly, 在海上吹起白沫,

So the loud laugh of scorn, 從那留須的唇邊

Out of those lips unshorn, 發出輕蔑的大笑,

From the deep drinking-horn 在深深的酒觥裡

Blew the foam lightly。 輕輕地泛起水泡。

“She was a Prince’s child, “她是王爺的女兒,

I but a Viking wild, 我卻是粗野的海盜,

And though she blushed and smiled, 她曾紅著臉、微笑著應允,

I was discarded! 我還是被拋棄掉!

Should not the dove so white 這樣潔白的鴿子

Follow the sea-mew’s flight, 不該隨海鷗飛走,

Why did they leave that night 為什麼她的香巢

Her nest unguarded? 那天夜晚卻無人防守?


“Scarce had I put to sea, “我帶著這姑娘,

Bearing the maid with me, 剛剛上船,離開陸地,

Fairest of all was she (在所有的北歐人中

Among the Norsemen! 就數她最美麗!)

When on the white sea-strand, 我們瞧見老喜德布蘭

Waving his armed hand, 帶著二十名騎兵,

Saw we old Hildebrand, 揮動披甲的手臂,

With twenty horsemen。 來到白色的海濱。

“Then launched they to the blast, “他們迎著風開船,

Bent like a reed each mast, 桅杆像蘆葦一樣彎,

Yet we were gaining fast, 我們已接近勝利,

When the wind failed us; 風卻和我們為難;

And with a sudden flaw 一陣急遽的狂飈

Came round the gusty Skaw, 把船吹向斯科角;

So that our foe we saw 我們看見追蹤的敵人

Laugh as he hailed us。 向我們呼喊、獰笑。

“And as to catch the gale “船帆遇到了大風,

Round veered the flapping sail, 拍動著,旋轉不停,

‘Death!’ was the helmsman’s hail, ‘死’是舵手的吼聲,

‘Death without quarter!’ ‘決不饒命!’

Mid-ships with iron keel 我們用鐵的龍骨

Struck we her ribs of steel; 狠狠撞擊敵船的鋼筋;

Down her black hulk did reel 黑色的船身顛簸搖盪,

Through the black water! 沉入黑色的海心!

“As with his wings aslant, “像一隻兇猛的鸕鷀,

Sails the fierce cormorant, 側斜著翅膀飛翔,

Seeking some rocky haunt, 銜著它的獵獲物,

With his prey laden, — 尋找棲宿的巖岡,——

So toward the open main, 我帶著這姑娘,

Beating to sea again, 向著茫茫的海洋,

Through the wild hurricane, 再度迎風行駛,

Bore I the maiden 穿越狂飈巨浪。


“Three weeks we westward bore, “我們西行了三個星期,

And when the storm was o’er, 大風暴終於平息,

Cloud-like we saw the shore 瞥見了下風方向延展的

Stretching to leeward; 雲霓一般的陸地;

There for my lady’s bower 那兒我蓋起一座高塔,

Built I the lofty tower, 作我妻子的閨房,

Which, to this very hour, 它一直到此刻,

Stands looking seaward。 還在向大海瞭望。

“There lived we many years; “我們在哪兒住了許多年;

Time dried the maiden’s tears; 歲月揩乾了姑娘的淚痕;

She had forgot her fears, 她已經忘卻了恐懼,

She was a mother; 她成了一個母親;

Death closed her mild blue eyes, 死神合上她溫柔的藍眼,

Under that tower she lies; 她在這座高塔下安寢;

Ne’er shall the sun arise 太陽底下再也不會有

On such another! 另一個這樣可愛的人!

“Still grew my bosom then, “寂寞在我的胸中生長,

Still as a stagnant fen! 寂寞得像死水一汪!

Hateful to me were men, 我覺得人們可憎可恨,

The sunlight hateful! 我也憎恨陽光!

In the vast forest here, 在一望無際的深林,

Clad in my warlike gear, 我披掛著戎裝,

Fell I upon my spear, 倒在我的槍矛上,

Oh, death was grateful! 啊,令人快意的死亡!

“Thus, seamed with many scars, “這樣,弄了一身的傷痕,

Bursting these prison bars, 撞開監牢的大門,

Up to its native stars 我的靈魂升了天,

My soul ascended! 攀登故國的星辰!

There from the flowing bowl 武士的靈魂舉盞

Deep drinks the warrior’s soul, 把盈溢的美酒飲幹,

Skoal! to the Northland! skoal!” 祝你無恙!北國!祝你無恙!”







