Eat your heart out是 “吃掉你的心”?直譯就鬧大笑話了!

HEART Idioms: Common Idioms with Heart in English 英語中常見的心靈習語

Eat your heart out是 “吃掉你的心”?直譯就鬧大笑話了!

List of useful


idioms with meaning and examples in English。 有用的HEART成語列表,含有英文含義和例子。

Learn more with list of common



in English。 透過英語常見身體習語列表瞭解更多資訊。




in English 英語中有用的心靈習語

After One’s Own Heart 合自己心意

Meaning: Similar in a pleasing way 以一種令人愉快的方式相似

Example: You’re a woman

after my own heart

– few people like Irish food, but I know you’ll always go out for bangers and mash with me。 你是我心目中的女人——很少有人喜歡愛爾蘭菜,但我知道你總是會和我一起去吃香腸和土豆泥。

Bare One’s Heart (Soul) 袒露心聲

Meaning: To confess one’s deepest secrets 承認一個人內心深處的秘密

Example: Last night my girlfriend

bared her


and told me about her difficult childhood。 昨天晚上,我的女朋友袒露了她的內心深處的秘密,向我講述了她艱難的童年。

Change of Heart 改變主意

Meaning: A change in one’s opinion or outlook 一個人觀點或觀點的改變

Example: I’ve had a

change of heart

– you can go ahead and go to the movie with your boyfriend, even though I told you you couldn’t。 我改變主意了——你可以和你男朋友去看電影,儘管我告訴過你不行。

Eat Your Heart Out! (excl.) 讓您傷心欲絕

Meaning: Go ahead, be jealous。 來吧,嫉妒。

Example: My dad is buying me a new car。

Eat your heart out!


Follow Your Heart 跟隨你的心

Meaning: Rely on one’s deeper feelings and instincts when making a decision 在做決定的時候,依靠一個人更深層次的感覺和直覺

Example: Yes, you might make less money that job, but if it really attracts you, you should

follow your heart

。 是的,你做那份工作賺的錢可能會少一些,但如果它真的吸引你,你就應該聽從自己的內心。

From the Bottom of One’s Heart 發自內心的

Meaning: Sincerely and with deep feeling 真誠而深情

Example: I want to tell you

from the bottom of my heart

how much I appreciate your help。 我想從心底裡感謝你的幫助。

In a Heart beat 心跳加速

Meaning: Immediately。 立即。

Example: This is especially used in hypothetical situations。 If Joe asked me, I’d marry him

in a heart beat!


Touch One’s Heart 觸控一個人的心

Meaning: Affect someone emotionally, be touching 在情感上影響某人,感動某人

Example: It really

touches my heart

to see so many starving children and not be able to do anything about it。 看到這麼多忍飢挨餓的孩子卻束手無策,真讓我感動。

Useful Heart Idioms in English | Image 英語|影象中有用的心靈習語

Eat your heart out是 “吃掉你的心”?直譯就鬧大笑話了!