“在帳篷裡”還說“in the tent”嗎?教你一高階表達!

大家好,歡迎來的餅哥英語的頻道,今天我們分享一個非常有用且地道的表達——在帳篷裡, 很多人會說成“in the tent”, 今天我們學習一個高階表達:

under canvas 在帳篷裡,在帳篷下

I love sleeping under canvas。 It‘s comfortable。


We were living under canvas for the whole two weeks of our holiday。


There are dozens of vendors who sell their goods under canvas at our market each Saturday。


Campsites in the New Forest quickly filled up as thousands decided to spend the holiday under canvas。

隨著有成千上萬的人決定在帳篷裡度過假日,New Forest的露營地很快就滿了。

It was mid June and we were about to sleep under canvas in their hunting ground。


“在帳篷裡”還說“in the tent”嗎?教你一高階表達!