
The queen starts her day with tea and a bath 晨起(喝茶和洗澡)


The queen’s maid goes about a specific routine when it comes to mornings。 The maid brings the queen her ‘morning tray’ and turns on BBC Radio 4 because the queen enjoys listening to John Humphrys political show on the program, Today。



While the queen drinks her tea and listens to the radio, her maid gets started on running a bath。 But not just any old bath。


The queen’s maid must check the water temperature with a wooden-cased thermometer, according to the Daily Mail, to be sure the water is to the queen’s liking。 And the tub must not have too much water in it。 No more than seven inches of water is acceptable。



Four people help her get dressed 四個人幫她著裝

The queen has designated dressers, people who lay out her clothes and help Her Majesty get dressed for the day ahead。 Angela Kelly, the personal assistant to the queen, is responsible for the queen’s wardrobe and oversees the dressers。



Once the queen is dressed, her hairdresser gets to work on her tresses。一旦女王穿好了衣服,她的理髮師就開始打理她的頭髮了。

Cereal for breakfast 穀物早餐

One hour after she’s gotten out of bed, the queen eats breakfast in her private dining room。 Known to be particular about food, the queen typically dines on the same or very similar foods。



For breakfast, she’s been known to favor cereal or sometimes oatmeal。 While Queen Elizabeth II fuels up for the day ahead, a bagpiper plays music。


She heads to work 她去上班


The queen catches up on the news and gets started on paperwork after breakfast。 “It may appear cluttered and untidy to the average eye, but the Queen knows where everything is and hates it if anything is moved without her permission,” a former staff member told the Daily Mail。

女王看完新聞吃完早餐後就開始處理檔案。她的辦公室不僅僅是為了看起來像奇彭德爾(Chippendale)的辦公桌。一名前工作人員在接受《每日郵報》採訪時表示 : “在一般人看來,這裡雜亂無章,但女王知道所有的東西都在哪裡,她不喜歡未經她允許,挪動任何東西。”

The queen prefers fountain pens to ballpoint pens and has a crystal inkwell on her desk。


Menu in French 午餐(法語選單)


Then it’s time for lunch。 Typically Queen Elizabeth II eats a light lunch alone or with one of her kids。 Her chef sends up a menu for meals the following week in French。


Why in French when she’s the Queen of England? Because French has been the official language at Court since the reign of Queen Victoria when the head chef made French food and wrote the menus in French。 The queen then takes a solo walk in the gardens where her staff know not to disturb her。

她是英國女王,那為什麼要用法語選單呢 ? 因為自維多利亞女王統治以來,法語一直是宮廷的官方語言,當時的主廚用法語做法國菜,用法語寫選單。午飯後,女王獨自在花園裡散步,她的工作人員不打擾她。

Don’t mess with tea time 下午茶


Any engagements are scheduled to end by 4:30 p。m。 at the latest so the queen can be back at 5 p。m。 for afternoon tea。


Tray dinner 托盤晚餐

Dinner often involves a tray dinner for Queen Elizabeth II。 She usually eats dinner in her personal quarters, watching TV or reading a book。


The queen is in bed. 就寢


Her Majesty always reads a rundown of Parliament proceedings during or immediately after dinner。 The queen is in bed by 11 p。m。 and enjoys reading before lights out。


謝謝您的瀏覽!您的每一天是怎樣度過的呢? 晚間就寢前喜歡看書嗎?有下午茶嗎?喜歡吃麥片粥嗎? 歡迎討論!


本文英文節選來源-By Mandi Kerr The Cheat Sheet 圖片來自於網路,如有侵權,請告知刪除!版權所屬,未經本人允許,請勿抄襲搬運,否則必究!