「英語日常」“. You owe me three dollars.你還要找我三塊錢”

「英語日常」“. You owe me three dollars.你還要找我三塊錢”


. You owe me three dollars.你還要找我三塊錢.

1. What is Mardi Gras?Mardi Gras 是什麼呢?

2. Mardi Gras is the biggest carnival in America.Mardi Gras 是美國最大的嘉年華會.

3. It is celebrated in New Orleans every year.每年都是在紐奧良慶祝.

4. The parade will pass by Garden District then go to Canal Street.遊行將會經過 Garden District 和 Canal Street.

5. There will be four parades in a row on Sunday.在星期日的時候, 會有連續四場遊行.

6. They give out a lot of beads from the float.他們從花車上傳送很多珠珠.

7. You can go to French Quarter if you got some neat beads.如果你有了一些很棒的珠子, 你就可以到 French Quater 去了

8. The most famous street in French Quarter is Bourbon St.在法國區內, 最有名氣的非 Bourbon St. 莫數了.