as a result 與逗號要如何搭配,才會讓表達更完美



跟短語動詞一目瞭然的構造方式不同,其他短語的構造方式靈活多變,經常有人被莫名其妙的短語所困惑,原因是沒有把它們當作一個整體來看,若當作一個整體來看時,它們就相當於具備某個或多個詞性的單詞,那麼就可以各司其職了,比如 as a result.

跟短語動詞一目瞭然的構造方式不同,其他短語的構造方式靈活多變,經常有人被莫名其妙的短語所困惑,原因是沒有把它們當作一個整體來看,若當作一個整體來看時,它們就相當於具備某個或多個詞性的單詞,那麼就可以各司其職了,比如 as a result.

This is turning into a pretty bad snowstorm。 As a result, all fights have been canceled。


As a result, the bad thing has been turned into a good one。


一、as a result


a。 He was late; he didn‘t catch the bus。

b。 He was late。 He didn’t catch the bus。

c。 He was late; as a result, he didn‘t catch the bus。

d。 He was late。 As a result, he didn’t catch the bus。


e。 He was late, as a result, he didn‘t catch the bus。

解析:as a result 作為連線副詞,很多人認為它是一個附加的資訊,既然是附加的,那麼前後用逗號與句子隔開也無可厚非,但是去掉附加資訊的句子就變成了逗號連線句了,因此此種寫法不嚴謹。

f。 He was late and as a result he didn’t catch the bus。

解析:不用逗號與前後的句子隔開,似乎句子看起來更順暢;當如果 as a result 是附加的資訊的話,那麼句子就變成 He was late and he didn‘t catch the bus,很明顯它有點冗餘,因為前後句子是同一個主語,應該用 and 連線兩個動片語成複合謂語,句子就變成:He was late and didn’t catch the bus,但缺少了結果的味道。

g。 He was late, and as a result, he didn‘t catch the bus。

解析:and 與 as a result 搭配成複合連線副詞,用逗號與前後隔開貌似也是情理之中;當如果 as a result 是附加的資訊的話,那麼句子就可以省略變成 He was late, and, he didn’t catch the bus,很明顯句子已經支離破碎了。

h。 He was late, and as a result he didn‘t catch the bus。

解析:不用逗號把 and as a result 與後面的句子隔開也是連線副詞常用的用法,類似於 hence 等副詞,例如:

Everyone wanted to bowl, hence everyone wanted to open a bowling alley。


當如果 as a result 是附加資訊的話,那麼句子省略後就變成 He was late, and he didn’t catch the bus,這種寫法也有缺陷,因為用逗號隔開 and 並列句的前提是前後兩個句子的主語不一樣,而句中的兩句的主語都是 he。

i。 He was late and, as a result, he didn‘t catch the bus。

解析:若 as a result 是一個附加的資訊,那麼省略後的句子就變成 He was late and, he didn’t catch the bus,“句子流”被切斷了。

一、as a result

as a result 與逗號要如何搭配,才會讓表達更完美

As a result 是一個介詞短語,相當於 as a consequnce,那麼怎麼使用呢?我們可以把它當作與 so,thus,herefore,hence,consequently,accordingly 類似的連線副詞來單獨使用,意為“結果,因此”,常置於句首,且用逗號與後面的句子隔開,例如:

As a result 是一個介詞短語,相當於 as a consequnce,那麼怎麼使用呢?我們可以把它當作與 so,thus,herefore,hence,consequently,accordingly 類似的連線副詞來單獨使用,意為“結果,因此”,常置於句首,且用逗號與後面的句子隔開,例如:

As a result of the accident, he was out of work for three months。


As a result of the heavy fog, all flights have been delayed。


As a result of the rape of the forests, parts of the country are now short of water。


Many seabirds died as a result of the oil spill。


Her reputation suffered a mortal blow as a result of the scandal。


當 as a result 置於句中時,常與 and 連用,而且關於逗號的取捨是公說公有理婆說婆有理,例如:

As a result 相當於副詞,可以獨立使用,多作結果狀語;而 as a result of 相當於介詞,不能獨立使用,後面必須接名詞成分才能在句中作狀語,多作原因狀語。



