

OEM 質量計劃(策劃)和質量協議(業已經供應商和伊萊克斯雙方認可)

Purpose is to have developed an agreed understanding of what will be done to improve the quality performance in the final market of those products purchased by Electrolux from the Supplier。

目的: 建立一個供應商和伊萊克斯雙方在最終產品質量如何改進上取得一致理解的機制。

Updated 8th July 20XX



A Foreward

A 序言

B Quality Plan


C General Audits and Inspection Procedures

C 日常稽核和驗貨程式

D Ongoing Product Confirmation

D 產品生產確認

E Field Service Data

D 售後維修資料

F Consumer Replacements

F 顧客退換產品

Exhibit A。 Schematic of Quality Plan for Sourced Products

附件A: OEM產品檢查和確認質量計劃(OEM 質量策劃架構圖)

Exhibit B。 Outgoing Quality Audits

附件B: 生產確認(出廠前產品質量驗證)

Exhibit C。 Schedule of Defect Types

附件C: 產品質量缺陷分類

Exhibit D。 Supplier’s on line test procedures

附件D: 供方線上檢測流程

Exhibit E。 Supplier’s end of line audit procedures

附件E: 供方終檢流程

Exhibit F。 Supplier’s product confirmation test procedures

附件F: 供方產品確認試驗流程(供方產品可靠性試驗流程)

Exhibit G。 Supplier’s


or life testing procedures



1. The following does not replace any existing Supply Contract and accompanying Quality Schedule but seeks to document and explain in greater detail and include improvements that enables the two companies learn from experiences and continuously improve the quality of the products supplied.本策劃條款不能代替已經和供應商簽訂的任何與質量相關的協議和附件,只是力求對這些協議和附件做更精準的解析,以利於雙方相互交流和學習,持續改進產品的質量。

2. It is proposed that the contents of this paper would apply to all products supplied to Electrolux regardless of which Electrolux countries/companies the products are shipped to so that there is one consistent approach to quality for all Electrolux products. Supply of products to Electrolux North America may have requirements not covered by this paper.本策劃條款適用於全球伊萊克斯產品(北美市場除外),無論在哪個國家或地區銷售,都是執行同一標準。

3. Not covered in here (yet) but equally important is a charting of who talks to whom about what etc.任何條款都不可能規定所有的細節,本策劃條款也不例外。因此雙方在日常工作溝通交流所達成的任何事項,即便不在本條款內都應信守。


1。 Electrolux requires the Supplier to follow an agreed Quality Plan。 The main elements of this plan are shown in the chart included as exhibit A。 It is anticipated that where ever possible this should be embedded into or an adaptation of the Supplier’s existing quality management processes rather than imposing another system upon the Supplier。 It is proposed therefore that this be developed and agreed jointly to optimize realisation of each organisation’s needs。 伊萊克斯要求所有供應商都要遵守這個雙方認可質量策劃。 策劃的主要內容參見附件A。最理想的是本策劃的內容本身已經被包含在供應商現有的的質量管理體系中。即使不是供應商現有質量管理體系的一部分,也應該透過合適的方法和供應商一同探討,結合本條款最佳化供應商的質量管理體系,達到雙贏。而不是要求供應商再從新建立多一個質量管理體系。

There are 3 main elements of this plan relating to:本策劃內容,主要有三部分,分別是:

(i) Auditing and release of batches of products,每批產品出廠前的驗證和放行;、

(ii) Ongoing product confirmation, and;產品線上質量控制和合格確認

(iii) Field Service data and continuous improvement。售後服務質量反饋和持續改進

These are described in more detail in the next 3 sections。


1。It is expected that the Supplier will have clearly documented procedures to ensure the consistent quality in the products they produce。 Subject to agreement with Electrolux as to their adequacy, these should be included as part of this quality document。 These procedures would not only describe the checks made to 100% of the products but would explain rework procedures, data collection and analysis and development of future improvement plans。 The results of these audits would be made available to Electrolux Quality people to take into account in conjunction with the suppliers representatives as to whether the products are acceptable for release for shipment。相信各供應商都有很清晰的系統化流程去確保生產的產品具有一致的質量。根據與伊萊克斯的相關協議,這些系統化流程檔案都應該是本質量策劃條款的一部份。這些系統化流程不但包括線上的100%檢驗流程,還包括產品返工時的質量控制,以及質量資料收集、分析和質量改進計劃等等的流程。相關的檢測資料和結果供方需要提供給伊萊克斯的質量管理人員作為參考,必要時以便於和供方的質量代表根據這些資料和結果來決定該批產品是否符合要求並且可以放行。

2。It is envisaged that the Supplier will have some existing system to audit each batch of products produced。 The sample size ideally would be 5% or that designated under AQL standards or other as agreed。 The Supplier to advise current practice including %’s and processes for revue and possible adoption and inclusion in this quality agreement。 It is Electrolux’s desire to link into the Supplier’s existing system and make use of the data it contains to improve the overall audit performance while at the same time reduce the need to rely only on Electrolux’s own existing audit process thereby reducing unnecessary duplication and hopefully speed the release of products where ever possible。考慮到供應商對每批產品出廠前檢驗和測試都會 建立一套 相關的系統。對此,伊萊克斯推薦按5%抽樣的抽樣量或者按照相近量的AQL 標準。當然,雙方也可以根據產品的實質質量水平制定靈活的抽樣方案。具體操作方式是供應商提供目前其具體抽樣方案和接收水準,伊萊克斯評估其適宜性和充分性,如果可行便會直接納入本質量策劃條款內。否則會從新要求和供應商商定更為合理的抽樣方案和接收水準。伊萊克斯希望儘可能的結合供應商現有系統共享產品所有相關的檢驗,測試,效能,改進等方面的資料。這樣一來,伊萊克斯可以參考這些資料從而減少很多重複的檢驗和測試。那麼放行產品的時間將大大縮短。

3。 The audit criteria would be pre-agreed between the Supplier and the Participating Company for each model but would typically include a visual inspection and a run test of one cycle or 2 to 6 hours depending upon the product。 The Supplier’s existing procedure or agreed variant will be attached as Exhibit E。 The products would be graded using the Electrolux S, A, B and C system as described below。 The process to be followed if different fault types are found is also described below。 If necessary a translation table could be developed to translate from existing Supplier system to the Electrolux system。 All audits by Electrolux would follow the same system and should show correlation with the Supplier results。伊萊克斯成品抽樣檢測標準根據每個型號和相關方確認認可後執行。檢測內容一般包括目測外觀和根據產品的特點進行一個週期或2-6小時的執行測試。供方現行的流程或者認可的相關引數也將按照本檔案的附件E提交給伊萊克斯供參考。 產品缺陷等級分類將沿用伊萊克斯的S,A,B,C評級體系,詳見下文附錄中。如果在實踐中發現有新的缺陷型別,會把它補充進去。如果有必要,可以建立一個從供應商的現有缺陷分類系統轉為伊萊克斯的S。A。B。C的分類系統的轉換平臺,以便於對照雙方的檢測結果。所有伊萊克斯進行的檢驗和測試都遵循這個缺陷分類系統。檢測結果應體現和供方檢測結果相關聯。

4。 The document entitled OEM Outgoing Quality Audit attached as exhibit B is an attempt to define what faults should be looked for, what their score should be etc。 Clearly this would need to be an evolving document that is updated regularly。 The Schedule of Defect Types in exhibit C augments this請參看附錄B:OEM 出廠檢測, 定義了各種質量缺陷,並且根據缺陷的嚴重度定義了相應的 缺陷分值,是一個指導性大綱 。 這些檔案都會根據實制執行情況定期合理更新

。 附件C根據各產品特性,按附錄B的指導原則,更加具體定義各缺陷型別。(我猜附件C會是Checklist,所以這樣翻譯)

5。 The Supplier would be expected to supply batches believed to have no S faults and an overall audit score of less than 20 (

final figure to be agreed between Electrolux and the Supplier

。) to enable dispatch of Products。 It is envisaged that this target would continuously improve/lower over time。 If the score is above the agreed limits specified above then the Supplier and Electrolux will discuss and agree the appropriate actions to be taken。 Shipment of batches with higher scores shall only be by receiving the approval of Electrolux in advance。要求供應商必須保證每批產品抽檢結果 沒有S類缺陷,並且整批平均缺陷分數QI<=20(具體抽檢可接受QI分值極限應與供應商商定雙方認可後執行)才能放行該批次。在實質操作過程中,供方產品質量會持續高於/低於這個標準。如果QI分值高於上述要求的限定值,伊萊克斯會要求供應商採取相應的改善措施,這些改善措施必須是合適的並且得到雙方的認可。 對於QI分值較高批次的產品,必須事先得到伊萊克斯的批准才能放行。

6。 The Supplier would provide Electrolux’s QA representative with a quality report from agreement to release for shipment。 Depending upon the data that is currently available or can be augmented from the Supplier’s existing system, the report would verify that the Supplier performed end of assembly line quality control audit and inspections of Product according to the procedures to be agreed and identify the following:伊萊克斯要求供應商提供內部對每批產品檢測質量報告給伊萊克斯質量管理人員。根據報告的結果,結合共享供應商系統獲得的其他相關資訊和伊萊克斯抽檢的結果對比,確認供應商已完成相關的終檢質量控制和商定的抽檢質量控制。這些報告應包括以下基本資訊:

(a) The number of units by model of Product manufactured in that batch,該批產品每個型號,流水號,批號以及數量;

(b) By fault found, the number of units of Product in that batch with that fault, listed in descending order by the quantity of Product affected by such defect。缺陷產品的型號,批號,流水號,缺陷型別和數量,並按流水號遞減的方式羅列

(c) For all S and A faults, what was done to rectify the products in that batch, and for all S and A and the five most common B defects causing failures, the Supplier would engage in and implement some Root Cause analysis or similar and develop an action plan for rectifying such failures。所有S和A類缺陷的產品對該批次而言已採取的相應糾正措施; 對於所有S和A類缺陷以及前5名代表性的B類缺陷,供應商必須採取積極態度分析原因並制定相關的糾正預防措施防止同樣的缺陷再次發生。

During the monthly inter company Quality Review Meeting this plan provided by the Supplier would be reviewed for progress and apparent validity of actions。在每月的跨公司的質量會議上,都會回顧這些相應糾正預防措施供應商是否在執行並且取得了預期的成效。

7。 Batch Size: The definition of batch is different from that used by the logistics people who may refer to a batch as one container lot across several models。 For the quality auditing purpose a more appropriate definition will be all of those products of the same model produced at about the same time for shipment at the same time against the same order。 The products selected shall be selected at random and be relatively evenly spread through the production period ensuring that if production is over more than one day that all days are represented。批次的定義: 批的定義不同於物流部門使用的,因為他們習慣把不同型號的產品作為一個集裝箱而定義為一批。對於質量檢驗對批更科學的定義應為:同一訂單中,同一型號產品,在同一段時間內生產的產品數量。抽檢的樣品必須是隨機的和有代表性的 ,要均勻的覆蓋各時期生產的產品。

8。 Sample size: The initial sample size of the confirming audit carried out by Electrolux would normally be 5% of the batch as defined above but not less than 5 units if the batch were less than 100 units。樣本數 : 初次樣本量伊萊克斯按照上面定義的5%執行,但如果該批次數量少於100件,則該批最低抽檢不能少於5件。


The audit score for each product audited is the sum of all of the faults detected for that product scored as per the above table of points。每臺產品稽核的分值是根據上表規定的發現的所有缺陷類別分值之和,

The audit score or quality Index (QI) for each day or week or batch is the sum of all of the scores for all Products audited in that period or batch divided by the number of Products audited。對於每批,每週,每天的稽核分值(QI)是相應的時間範圍內所有抽查的所有單臺分值總和除以抽檢的數量,因此,QI是一個平均值。

9。 Actions from Audit Results by the Supplier at its own Factory or by Electrolux in warehouse audits。無論是供應商內部檢測結果還是伊萊克斯成品抽檢過程,

Where an S fault is detected in an audit, then the 10 Products immediately preceding and following that Product by serial number are to be inspected for the same fault。 If necessary they should be unpacked to achieve this。 If a second Product from the 20 Products checked is found to have the same S fault, then the whole batch is to be quarantined, the Q people at Electrolux notified immediately and an agreed rework procedure。 All Products will be reworked and re-inspected prior to shipment of the batch of Products。只要發現一個S 類缺陷,必須加抽。加抽的原則是:以發現S 類缺陷的產品的流水號為中心,抽查該流水號前面連續10件產品和 後面連續10 件產品,共20件。必要時需要開箱對其進行檢查。如果在加抽20 件產品中發現1個相同性質的S類缺陷,那麼整批產品需被隔離。伊萊克斯質量人員會立刻通知供應商,供應商根據具體情況制定返工方案。返工方案 必須得到伊萊克斯的認可後方可實施。所有被隔離的產品必須經過返工,並且返工後經供應商和伊萊克斯檢驗合格後方可放行。

Where an A fault is detected in an audit, then the 10 Products immediately preceding and following that Product by serial number are to be inspected for the same fault。 If necessary they should be unpacked to achieve this。 If a second Product from the 20 Products checked is found to have the same fault, then the whole batch is to be quarantined, the Electrolux Q people and a rework procedure developed and agreed with Participating Company and implemented prior to shipment of the batch of Products。 This would be reported in the batch quality audit report as per paragraph 3 above。只要發現一個A 類缺陷,必須加抽。加抽的原則是:以發現A 類缺陷的產品的流水號為中心,抽查該流水號前面連續10件產品和 後面連續10 件產品,共20件。必要時需要開箱對其進行檢查。如果在加抽20 件產品中發現1個相同性質的A類缺陷,那麼整批產品需被隔離。伊萊克斯質量人員會立刻通知供應商,供應商根據具體情況制定返工方案。返工方案 必須得到伊萊克斯的認可後方可實施。所有被隔離的產品必須經過返工,並且返工後經供應商和伊萊克斯檢驗合格後方可放行。這些加抽相關的資訊和結果應包括在批質量檢測報告中。

Where a B fault is found, a degree of discretion is required depending upon the frequency of the problem。 By way of example, if every product audited had the same B fault then Electrolux may require production to stop to rectify the problem and for all products to be reworked。 On the other hand if only 1 or 2 instances were found it should be recorded on the list and actions implemented in due course。 A suggestion is that if 20% or more of the audited products have the same B fault then the batch should be reworked before dispatch。只要發現一個B 類缺陷,我們將針對同一B類缺陷發生的頻率進行處理。比如,如果檢查的每個產品都有同樣性質的B類缺陷,伊萊克斯可能會要求供應商暫停生產,先對這些缺陷進行糾正和預防,整批產品進行返工。如果只是發現偶然的1-2個B類缺陷,伊萊克斯會記錄該B類缺陷和採取的相應措施。但是,如果有20%或以上的抽查產品有同樣性質的B類缺陷,伊萊克斯會保留要求供應商對該批產品返工,檢驗合格後方可放行的權利。

Where C faults are detected this would not stop shipment。 However incidence data should be kept and reported on a pareto basis with improvement action plans etc。 Again some discretion is required in that if every product is found to have the same fault and production is continuing or about to recommence, then Electrolux would require the Supplier to implement a running change to stop incidences。如果只是發現C缺陷,一般伊萊克斯不會要求停止發貨,但是會記錄這些C類缺陷作分析統計和相應的改善措施。但是,如果所有產品都有的相同性質的C類缺陷的,那麼正在生產的產品或者即將要生產的產品,伊萊克斯會要求供應商立刻採取全面有效措施防止C類缺陷繼續發生。

The Supplier shall maintain a database of all faults together with action plans developed including dates of implementation to eliminate their incidence。 This would be reported in the batch quality report but also collated into a monthly audit report and action plan。供應商應該建立和維護一個產品質量缺陷和相應改進措施實施情況的資料庫,資料庫資料來源於批質量檢測報告和月度稽核報告和所有相應措施實施情況,缺陷包括供應商內部質量控制發現的所有缺陷和伊萊克斯成品抽檢發現的缺陷。

10。 From time to time Electrolux will audit products upon receipt in the receiving company。 The following suggests actions to be taken in regard to faults detected in such audit。 This would normally be required when Electrolux believes that there is a problem with a shipment in which case the Supplier should be notified in advance and a process to audit, a process to rectify and the allocation of costs should be agreed in advance。有時候,伊萊克斯可能會在產品接收後在目的地對產品進行檢測驗證,檢測中如發現相關的質量缺陷,會採取相應糾正措施。這種目的地 的檢測驗證是很正常的 當伊萊克斯預見性認為該產品很有可能存在某種缺陷。隨後,供應商會在事先被通知的情況下對其進行一次過程稽核。如果涉及到過程改進和成本問題,我們都應該事先協商解決。

Where an S fault is detected in an audit, then the 10 Products as near as possible to immediately preceding and following that Product by serial number are to be inspected for the same fault。 If a second Product from the 20 Products checked is found to have the same S fault, then the whole batch is to be quarantined and the persons responsible for quality assurance for the Country notified immediately。 He will in turn advise the Supplier and an agreed rework procedure developed and implemented prior to release of the batch of Products for sale。 The cost of such rework is to be born by the Supplier。如果在這樣的檢測中發現一個S類缺陷,我們會加抽20 件產品 ,以發現S 類缺陷產品的流水號為中心,儘可能找到前後連續的10 件產品或最接近連續 的前後10 件產品。如果在加抽20 件產品中發現1個相同性質的S類缺陷那麼這整批產品將會被隔離,對方市場的質量人員會立即通知我們,同時他會建議供應商如何制定返工方案,對該批產品返工後才能上市銷售。所有這些返工費用由供應商承擔。

Where an A fault is detected in an audit, then the 10 Products as near as possible to immediately preceding and following that Product by serial number are to be inspected for the same fault。 If a second Product from the 20 Products checked is found to have the same A fault, then the whole batch is to be quarantined and, In conjunction with the Supplier, an agreed rework procedure developed and implemented prior to release of the batch of Products。 The cost of such rework is to be born by the Supplier。如果在這樣的檢測中發現一個A類缺陷,我們會加抽20 件產品 ,以發現A 類缺陷產品的流水號為中心,儘可能找到前後連續的10 件產品或最接近連續 的前後各10 件產品。如果在加抽20 件產品中發現1個相同性質的A類缺陷那麼這整批產品將會被隔離。我們會與供應商一起聯合制定相關的返工方案,對這批返工後才能上市銷售。所有這些返工費用由供應商承擔。

Faults found above shall be added to the database of all faults which shall be maintained with action plans developed to eliminate their incidence。 This would then be reported in the monthly quality report。上述所有發現的缺陷和相應的改善措施都要被錄到入上面提到的供應商資料庫中以便個有效地防止相同的缺陷再次發生。同樣也將納入每月質量報告中。

Time is of the essence in rectifying stocks of Products bonded as described in this Appendix。處理在對方目的地發現的缺陷,時間是非常關鍵的,對時間的要求將作為一個重要附件。


1。 There are 2 aspects of this。 Firstly to confirm ongoing product reliability through extended life testing or similar and secondly to confirm any claimed capacities or energy standards continue to be met。有兩個方面,首先,透過壽命延長試驗或者類似試驗以確認現行產品的可靠性。其次,確認已宣告的產品效能和能耗等級是否一直滿足。

2。 This clause should be redefined after establishing the existing Supplier processes。 The Supplier’s processes or an agreed amendment would be included in these notes as Exhibit G。 In addition to other testing required for example during product development, the Supplier should periodically test the products to determine a minimum expected life of each Product and to establish any failure modes for rectification。 It is presumed that the Supplier already has such a plan in operation so it would be preferable to link in with that rather than developing new。 Testing of a ‘family’ product would be acceptable。 The Supplier should normally develop an annual testing plan。 Again it is assumed that the Supplier’s existing testing would provide records reflecting the operating hours accumulated with the Product, periodic inspection reports on the performance and appearance of the Product, maintenance and repairs performed on the Product during the test period, the reasons for such maintenance and repairs, product improvement action plans arising from these findings and such other information as the Parties may designate。 This shall be reported monthly by means of an upgraded report。此條款在供應商已建立的系統基礎上需從新定義明確。供應商現有的系統或是商定的相關增補附件都作為本檔案 的附件G 。除了正常程式所規定的測試外,如產品開發階段所做的相關測試,供應商還需要定期對現行產品做相關的壽命測試,從而確保現行的產品符合要求。還可以透過壽命測試及時發現產品的缺陷和建立起相關的失效模式。如果供應商目前已有這樣的作業系統,伊萊克斯可以結合和利用此係統而不用從新建立。測試時可以以系列為單位。對此,供應商必須制定年度的測試計劃。供應商現有的測試應包括產品累計的執行時間(壽命測試),常規的產品效能和外觀檢測,對產品的維護和修補及其原因,產品的改進計劃和其它雙方指定的資訊。所有這些供應商都應以具體報告的形式每月向伊萊克斯彙報一次。

3。 In addition to other testing required, the Supplier shall periodically test the Products to determine that they continue to meet the critical specified performance parameters。 The existing Supplier’s procedures or agreed variation would be included as Exhibit F。 An annual schedule/criteria shall be developed so that each product or if applicable family of products is tested within an agreed cycle。 The methods and test parameters shall be agreed in advance。 The results shall be reported monthly in a summarized report。 If the results are outside the accepted tolerance band for any critical performance parameter, then shipment of those models shall cease until either the product is either accepted Electrolux or an agreed remedial action is implemented。除了正常程式所規定的測試外,供應商還需要定期對現行產品做相關的驗證測試以確保現行產品持續滿足關鍵效能要求。供應商現有的程式或是批准認可的差異都將包含在本策劃附件F。對此,供應商必須制定年度測試計劃。測試時可以以系列為單位,確保測試按商定的週期進行。測試方法和內容雙方應事先商定並認可。所有這些供應商都應以具體報告的形式每月向伊萊克斯彙報一次。如果測試結果發現任何關鍵性效能超差,則該批產品需暫停發運,除非伊萊克斯同意接受或是供應商已採取了認可的糾正預防措施。


This applies where the products are sold into a market where warranty service data is collected and available。 本條款適用於那些可以在銷售地區收集售後成本的產品

1。 At approximately 1 week after the end of each month, Electrolux shall collate and provide to the Supplier a report on:大約在每月的第二個星期,伊萊克斯會提供一份報告給供應商,包括:

Service Call Rates – charts and numbers售後維修比率- 圖表和資料;

An analysis of the faults that resulted in the service calls售後維修故障分析;

Epidemic problems if any批次質量事故如果有的話;

Safety problems if any安全類問題如果有的話;

Consumer replacements客戶退換貨。

2。 Electrolux will provide information to the Supplier to enable them to decide whether they wish direct access to the Electrolux Quality Evaluation System (QES) if available to enable direct data sorting etc。伊萊克斯可以對供應商提供幫助,讓他們自行決定是否希望直接進入伊萊克斯的QES系統,可以直接從QES系統獲得這些資料。

Whilst the contract may specify penalties to be paid by the Supplier if certain parameters are exceeded, the preference is to pro-actively work with the Supplier to eliminate problems in SCR for the benefit of both companies。同時,如果某些缺陷指標超出了合同的限定值,則供應商需要承擔超出部分費用。從雙方公司利益出發,我們應該積極主動的和供應商一起去解決消除SCR中的質量問題。

3。 Over the following week the Supplier shall consider and if necessary seek clarification of the data provided。 The Supplier shall also develop remedial actions to avoid future incidences of the faults found for discussion and agreement with the Participating Company。 This also would be included in the monthly report and discussed at the monthly meeting。在接下來的一個星期,對於該份報告,供應商應該考慮是否需要更詳細的資訊去了解事件的來龍去脈。供應商也應該針對該份報告和相關方一起分析原因,制定相應的改進措施以避免問題再次發生。這也將作為月度質量報告的內容和月度質量會議的議題

4。 Where a new product fault is discovered in the field for which a known field fix does not exist, then Electrolux shall provide the Supplier with relevant data and photographs etc。 The Supplier shall advise a recommended field fix, ideally by return but targeting not later than within 5 days together with information of any special parts required。 However if the Supplier finds that they need more time they will within the 5 days advise accordingly together with their estimation of time to resolve。對於發生在市場上以前還沒有出現過的新產品質量問題,伊萊克斯會提供供應商相關的資料和圖片。供應商一般應不遲於5天內給予回覆推薦如何進行實地維修的方法,並應同時附上需要的特殊配件和資料。 如果供應商需要更長時間才能答覆。他們也應該在5天內通知伊萊克斯,並同時告訴他們解決這個問題估計需要的時間。


This is potentially a massive cost to Electrolux and in some situations under the contract it could be passed onto the Supplier。 This data should be included in the monthly data again with the intention to pro-actively reduce the costs for both companies。退換貨對伊萊克斯來說無疑是一項潛在的龐大成本。因此,在某些情況下,根據雙方的協議,這些成本需要轉移給供應商來承擔。所以,月度資料將包含這些退換貨的資料。希望雙方都能積極主動的採取措施降低成本。


In the foregoing reference was made to a monthly review meeting。 Electrolux will each year ‘calanderise’ proposed meeting dates usually to be held in the third week of each month。 The topics to be covered include:在前面提到的月度質量會議,作為伊萊克斯的一個例行工作會議,通常建議在每個月的第三週召開,會議的議題將包括以下:

(a) Review of prior month’s SCR, epidemic, safety and consumer replacement data。 Refer clause F。1。回顧上一個月的SCR情況,質量事故,安全類問題以及顧客的退換貨資料,參見F。1條款;

(b) Review and agree proposed improvement action plans including progress from last meeting。 Refer to clause F。3。回顧上次會議確定的質量改進計劃和實施狀態;參見F。3

(c) Review results from audits both by the Supplier and Electrolux to confirm alignment and to agree improvement action plans based upon pareto of faults。 Refer to clause C。1。回顧供應商和伊萊克斯雙方的檢驗報告,確認是否一致。 並在分析這些資料的基礎上制定改善計劃,參見C。1,

(d) Review outcomes of any completed extended run tests and agree any corrective actions。 Refer to clause D。2。回顧產品執行測試結果並制定相應的糾正措施;

(e) Review any performance confirmation tests and agree any remedial actions。 Refer to clause D。3。 回顧效能測試情況,並制定相應應的改進措施,參見D。3。
