

暑期 初二提高班 語法易錯題


1。Mrs。Smith has a cute baby。It often smiles at people___。

Afriendly B lovely C happily D lively

2。I’m going to be late late for work。There’re ____ bus on this route。

Atoo few B too little C too many D too much

3。You’d better have your hair cut;it’s getting ____。

Atoo much long B much too long C long too much D too long much

4。We’d better wait ___ more minutes。I think Jeff will come soon。

Aa few B few C a little D little

5。If there were no examinations,we should have ____ at school。

Athe happiest time B a more happier time C much happiest time D a much happier time

6。Hold the book ___ please,for I can’t see the words in it clearly。

Amore closer B more closely C closely D closer

7。As you are not feeling well,you’d better ___ to school。

Awon’t go B not go C not to go D don’t go

8。I feel it an honour ___ to speak here。

Ato be asked B to ask C having asked D asked

9。The funny story made us ___。

Alaugh B laughing C to laugh D laughed

10。No one enjoys ___ at。

Alaughing B to laugh C being laughed D to be laughed

11The problem is worth ____。

Adiscussing B discuss C being discussed Ddiscussed

12。They are considering____ before the prices go up。

Aof buying the house B with buying the house C buying the house D to by the house

13。-What did you see just now?

-I saw two __ doctors ___out of the house。

Awomen ,come B woman,came C woman,coming D women,to come

14。Stone had his workers ___all day long。

Awork B worked C working D to work

15。-Why are you late?

-My bike broke down。I had it ___。

Arepaired B repairs C repair D repairing

16。We kept ___ the ball to each other,and they began to get angry。

Ato pass B passing C pass D past

17。It’s no use ___ to get a bargain these days。

Ato expect B expecting C wanting D waited

18。Who do you think you’d like ___ with you ,a boy or a girl?

Ato let to go B letting to go C to let go D let go

19。In ___Marx began to learn Russian。

Aa 1870 B the 1870 C the 1870’s D his 1870

20。I’m so tired after ___ walk。

Athree hours B three hours’ C three hour’s D three hour

21。The old professor still works hard though he is ___。

Ain his sixty B in his sixties C in sixties D in the sixty

22。We ___for Tom at ten last Sunday。He often kept us ___。

Awere waiting,waiting B were waiting,wait C waited,waiting D waited,wait

23。He is tired。He ___ a lot of work this morning 。

Adoes B was doing C did D is doing

24。While mother ___ some washing,I ___ a kite for Kate。

Adid,made B was doing ,made C was cooking ,was making D did,was making

25。I have two TV set ,but__ of them is in good condition。

Aboth B none C neither D every

26。The old men has ___ friends。So he often feels lonely。

Afew B a few C little D a little

27。____ of you three men is kind enough to help you。

AAll B Any C Either D Every


1。C。 smile為動詞,用副詞修飾,選項中除了happily外,其餘都是形容詞。這些以ly結尾的形容詞很容易被同學們誤認作副詞,另還有daily,lonely,motherly等,一定要牢記。

2。A。 此題關鍵弄清句意,route意為線路,即在公交線路上車少導致“我”遲到。

3。B。考察much too 和too much 辨析。Much too 意為“太”,修飾形容詞或副詞;too much 意為“多”。

4。C。 修飾比較級的副詞及短語有much,a lot ,a little , a bit, even ,far,選項只有C 符合。


6。D。 close與closely均有副詞詞性,但作副詞時,close指具體的近,closely指抽象的近,如關係親密的。此題句意為具體的近。

7。B。很多同學不知道you’d better是哪個結構的縮寫——you had better , 最好做某事,had better 為具有情態動詞特徵的短語,後接動詞原形。

8。A。此句中it為形式賓語,真正賓語為後部分to do 不定式,及to ask ,另根據句意,此處應為被要求在此處發言 ,to do不定式轉換為被動,即to be asked。同學們,句意的理解是很重要的,你們說對嗎?

9。A。 make 為使役動詞,make sb do。

10。C。enjoy 後接動名詞,但此句句意應為“沒有人喜歡被嘲笑”,很多同學們沒有發現隱藏在句意中的被動語態,選成了A。

11。A。 sth be worth doing ,為固定搭配,即“某事是值得被做的”,主語是物,本身就有被動含義,因此不選C。

12。C。consider 後接動名詞,未固定搭配,此題需要同學們牢記哪些動詞後接動名詞做賓語,只要能記住,此題就很容易攻克了。

13。A。woman doctors變複數為women doctors, 另come為瞬間動詞,因此只能用see sb do這一結構。

14。C。此題需要區分have的兩個結構,have sb do 和have sb doing。前者指讓某人做某事這一事實,不強調這件事持續或正在進行;後者強調讓某人持續做了多久或正在做。此句中有一重要時間標誌“all day long”,暗示此處強調讓工人一整天持續做某事,應使用have sb doing 一結構。

15。A。此題區分have的兩個結構,have sth doing 和have sth done 。前者為使某事保持某種狀態,後者為使某事被做。此處腳踏車為被修。

16。B。keep doing sth ,為固定搭配,意為持續做某事,類似的還有keep on doing sth ,即 keep 和keep on 後接動詞都要用doing。

17。B。固定句型 it’s no use/no good /fun/a waste of time +doing。同時,此句中 get a bargain意為“買到便宜貨”,句意為“別指望在這幾天買到便宜貨”,指望,期盼,選擇expecting。

18。C。 would like後接to do 不定式,另let 為使役動詞,let sb do 。

19。C。年代表達法,一定要把結構掌握好,in +the +xxx0s/xxx0’s。介詞用in,冠詞the不能省略。

20。B。距離可用時間的所有格表示。三小時表達應為 three hours,其所有格應直接加“’”。

21。B。表某人不確定年齡時:in one’s+幾十的複數。

22。A。第一空所在句子中,時間標誌詞at ten last Sunday為過去的時刻,應用過去進行時。第二空keep sb doing sth ,固定搭配,意為“讓某人持續做某事”。

23。D。this morning 為過去的時間,是一般過去式的標誌詞,用一般過去式。同學們,學了過去進行時,就容易與最簡單的一般過去式混淆,一定要充分理解過去進行時的兩個定義:過去某一時刻或某一時間段正在發生的事。

24。C。此題很多同學沒有注意到make kite 也為延續性動作,因此第二個空出錯率很高。延續性動作,符合使用進行時的條件,用was making。


26。A。few,幾乎沒有,a few ,很少,兩者都修飾可數名詞;little,幾乎沒有,a little ,很少,兩者都修飾不可數名詞。Friend 為可數名詞,有根據句意,可知他幾乎沒朋友,選A。
