


When he prepares something for you and gives it to you carelessly, it will not be careless, because in reality, what he prepares is very careful and serious



There is no need to always promise him that he will take care of him and love him more in the future, because if he loves you, he will believe you, promise once, he will not forget, and he can see you change for him little by little


Don‘t think it is inexplicable that he is indifferent to you Could it be that he has neglected a certain link recently and hasn’t contacted him for many hours?


不說 “我愛你”,永遠不會感到厭倦。即使你每小時打電話說一次,他每次都會認真聽。

Never get tired of not saying “I love you” Even if you call every hour, he will listen carefully every time


What hurts me more than losing you is that you didn‘t even try to be with me



Happiness is receiving a loaf of bread when you want to eat it, and then eating it with peace of mind If you only get half a loaf of bread, they call it insufficient; If you get less, they call it scarcity; If you get two, they call it rich; If you get three, they call it overload; If you get more, they call it exhaustion Happiness is not so good, but moderate; Happiness is not vanity on the face, but inner need; Happiness is not in the eyes of others, but in your own heart Your happiness, if you don’t promise, others can never steal it