Voting Result 投票結果

Voting Result 投票結果



Future ShanShui City Dwellings in Lishui Mountains International Urban Design Competition

Announcement of “Creative Future ShanShui City Proposal Awards”

“新時代山水城市創意提案獎” 大眾投票自2020年9月7日啟動以來,受到了社會各界的廣泛關注與熱情參與。至9月20日投票結束,在短短兩週的時間內,本次投票活動共收到434,991次投票,投票頁面的閱讀量高達156。4萬,感謝大家對本次投票活動的關注與支援。

The public voting of “Creative Future ShanShui City Proposal Awards” has received widespread attention and enthusiastic participation from all walks of life since its launch on September 7th, 2020。 By the end of the voting on September 20th, in just two weeks, this voting campaign has received 434,991 votes and the voting page has been read for more than 1,564,000 times, thank you for your attention and support to this voting campaign。


According to statistics, the TOP 30 vote-getters have won 431,501 votes in total。 Now the specific list is announced。


The list for “Creative Future ShanShui City Proposal Awards” is as follow:

Voting Result 投票結果

Voting Result 投票結果

Voting Result 投票結果

恭喜以上30組參賽團隊獲得公眾青睞,每組參賽團隊將獲得“新時代山水城市創意提案獎”證書,以及由浙江省工藝美術大師創作的青田精品印石一枚。Congratulations to the above 30 teams for winning the public‘s favor。 Each team will receive a certificate of the “Creative Future ShanShui City Proposal Awards”, as well as a collectible Qingtian steal stone created by the master craftsman of Zhejiang Province。


About “Qingtian Stone

Voting Result 投票結果


Voting Result 投票結果



The famous stone “Tushu Stone” is also known as Qingtian stone because it is born in Qingtian。 It is one of the four traditional seal stones in China, together with Balin stone, Shoushan stone and Changhua stone is known as China’s “Four Famous Stone”。 It has the reputation of Gentleman in Stone, the Ancestor of Printing Stone。 Qingtian stone has a glittering texture, elegant color, good hardness and crispness of blade, and is loved by seal carvers and collectors。 Wu Changshuo, the great master of his generation, praised that “the old Qingtian stone is as expensive as a jade ornament with neat flashing characters and heavy carving”。


According to Han Xishu, a First-degree Scholar of the Qianlong emperor in the Qing Dynasty, “Zhao Zi‘ang first took the light stone from our hometown to make a seal, and in the Ming Dynasty the stone seal became popular。” He used qingtian stone seal, ended more than 2000 years of China’s teeth bone metal seal era, opened the era of stone seal, qingtian stone and thus also be respected as the “printing stone of the ancestor”。


Thank you to all the participants of this competition for your valuable ideas, while being moved and inspired by all the concept proposals, we hope that every passionate idea will be listened to, every picture that has been poured into it will be seen。 Best wishes for all of you。


Notice of final judging meeting & Award Ceremony and city forum!



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