一起讀名著學英文-10-Tender is the night (夜色溫柔)

Day 10

Lying so, she first heard their voices and felt their feet skirt her body and their shapes pass between the sun and herself。 The breath of an inquisitive dog blew warm and nervous on her neck; she could feel her skin broiling a little in the heat and hear the small exhausted wa-waa of the expiring waves。 Presently her ear distinguished individual voices and she became aware that some on referred to scornfully as “that North guy” had kidnapped a waiter from a café in Cannes last night in order to saw it in two。 The Sponsor of the story was a white-haired woman in full evening dress, obviously a relic of the previous evening, for a tiara still clung to her head and a discouraged orchid expired from her shoulder。 Rosemary,forming a vague antipathy to her and her companions,turned away。



skirt one‘s body:圍繞著某人的身邊

the expiring waves:退去的海浪

be refferred to as:被稱作


cling to:粘在

form a vague antipathy to sb: 厭惡某人

turn away:轉過身背對某人