

Jessica 在北京學漢語,她的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎麼說的詞,就會來請教她。今天是Lulu要問的:短板。

Jessica: Hi, Lulu, how‘s your new job treating you?

LL: 唉,還可以吧。不過我覺得同事們都很強勢,弄得我不敢說話。這種內向害羞,真是我的短板!

Jessica: 短板?

LL: 短板就是我的弱點,缺點。哎?這用美語該怎麼說呢?

Jessica: I see。 It is your weak point, or shortcoming。

LL: 哦,短板在美語中就是 weak point, 或者 shortcoming。 I think being shy is my weakest point。 I really should be more aggressive。

Jessica: Don’t worry。 Sometimes it takes me time to open up to people too。 You should stick to your strengths by showing your co-workers what you‘re good at。

LL: 你是說,讓我多向同事展示自己拿手的方面,stick to my strengths, 就是揚長避短,對麼?

Jessica: 沒錯!

LL: 說是這麼說,可是現在,我們組我資歷最淺,好像覺得插不上嘴,好象局外人。

Jessica: As I said, you just need some time to warm up。 It’s natural to find it a bit challenging to fit in at the beginning, but you‘ll be fine very soon! Talk to your co-workers! Ask them stupid questions! They won’t see you as a poor fit。

LL: a poor fit? 這又是什麼意思啊?

Jessica: You find people or things a poor fit if they don‘t suit you, or don’t get along with you。 For example, if someone is a poor fit in a team, he is not working well with other team members。

LL: 明白了,a poor fit 就是不合適,如果一個團隊裡有個人不合群,他就是 a poor fit for the team。

Jessica: That‘s right。 Lulu, I’m sure you‘re a good fit for the team。 Now let’s see what you‘ve learned today!

LL: 今天我們學了,短板是 weak point, 或者 shortcoming; 揚長避短是 stick to your strengths; 不合適,不合群是 a poor fit。