
A clean environment can help the city {promote} its economic development。 清潔的環境有助於城市的經濟發展。

Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to {promote} products。 廣告公司總是不得不想出新的方法來推銷產品。

The company has just launched an advertising campaign to {promote} their newly produced bicycles。 這家公司剛剛發起了一場廣告宣傳活動,宣傳他們新生產的腳踏車。

The government officials said that the Chinese Cultural Year in France were useful to {promote} the friendship between China and France。 政府官員表示,在法國舉辦的中國文化年有助於促進中法友誼。

The group made efforts to {promote} the sales of its four largest brand name beers including Tsingtao, Shanshui, Laoshan and Hans。 該集團努力促進其四大品牌啤酒的銷售,包括青島、山水、嶗山和漢斯。

The project, intended to {promote} the economic development of the west of China, has brought in benefits to the local people 該專案旨在促進中國西部的經濟發展,為當地人民帶來了利益

We should not {promote} economic growth that will harm the environment。 我們不應該促進損害環境的經濟增長。