
Q: Do you like to watch films? [Why/Why not?]


Definitely, I am fascinated with watching films, especially Hollywood blockbusters since they are wonderful works of art。 These types of films have large budgets and the special effects are excellent, creating avisually-appealing experience。 The stories are also modern and futuristic and accompanied by great acting from my favourite on-screen personalities。


fascinated adj。 著迷的

be fascinated with 對……著迷=be a big fan of=be obsessed with

Hollywood blockbuster 好萊塢大片

budget n。 預算

futuristic adj。 未來主義的

on-screen 螢幕上的



Q: What types of films do you like? [Why?]


I am most fond of comedy, action and fantasy moviesas they bring the greatest joy and excitement。 Comedy films allow me to laugh and forget about the troubles in my life。 Action movies create suspense and make the experience thrilling。 Fantasy films attempt to predict the future and create curious thoughts about what will happen in a few decades or centuries。


comedy n。 喜劇

fantasy movie 科幻片

animation 動畫電影

thriller movie 恐怖片

romance movie 愛情片

suspense n。 懸念

decade 十年