練口語,make an appointment≠中文“預約”


想練口語,英語make an appointment≠中文“預約”


把英語“學成”中文是嚴重妨礙我們“使用”英語和“說”英語口語的一種不良學習行為。可是,我們絕大多數人偏偏還是習慣這麼做。因此,出現英語make an appointment (with)時,我們張口就“說中文”“預約”就不足為奇了。

然而,多數人見到英語make an appointment還是隻會“說”中文:預約。


以下我把英語make an appointment(with)“學成”英語,把學過的英語用起來,讓自己有機會“說”英語“用”英語的分享:

1。 Well,when we make appointment with someine, we set an official date and time to meet or see them。That‘s to make an appointment。


練口語,make an appointment≠中文“預約”

-We make an appointment with and see/visit our doctor in his office。

- We make an appointment with our professor before we see him/visit him in his office。

- We make an appointment with our lawyer。

- We make an appointment to apply for a driver licence。

練口語,make an appointment≠中文“預約”

2。 Well,when we say We make an appointment,we can also say We schedule a meeting or an appointment with someone。

- You are too late,you need to make another appointment/schedule another appointment/schedule another meeting for your next visit。

練口語,make an appointment≠中文“預約”
