


一、英語“用腳投票”真的可以說Vote on foot嗎?

1) Yahoo vote on foot


1。Vote with (your) feet

2。Foot voting


2) 用英語學習英語口語:

1。 Okay。I got you。In English,we say:We vote with our feet,say Feet,not Foot。Say With feet,not On foot。Be careful。

2。 Okay。I got you。In English,we can say:We vote with our feet,we can also say:That‘s our foot voting。Be careful。

3。Say either Vote with feet or foot voting。


二、Vote with your feet什麼意思?


能把下面學過的英語用起來“口語”vote with feet嗎?

1。 Okay。I got you。If you say:You vote with your feet,or you give them a foot voting,you mean: You show your dislike,show your disagreement,show your disaporoval by walking away。You way away in s vote to show:I don’t like it=I dislike it!

2。 Vote with feet= Just walk away,I‘m leaving。


能“不說”中文,“說”上面的英語(口語)表示你理解什麼是vote with feet了嗎?