熟詞生義:“smell the coffee”不僅是指“聞咖啡香氣”

大家好,今天我們分享一個非常有用且地道的表達——smell the coffee, 這個短語大多時候不是指“聞咖啡香氣”,它最常用的表達含義是:

smell the coffee (用於告訴某人)認清形勢,正視目前的情況

亦作 wake up and smell the coffee

I wish you would wake up and smell the coffee。


Come on, Stan, wake up and smell the coffee! They‘re liars and cheaters。


Things have changed around here, Dr。 Cooper! Wake up and smell the coffee!


You’ll have to wake up and smell the coffee。 The world is a very hard, cruel place。


It would really serve you well to wake up and smell the coffee and quit acting like a teenager。


It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee: you’re not going to pass this course unless you start working harder。


He hopes that other bosses will wake up and smell the coffee。


I‘m your friend。 I just want you to wake up and smell the coffee。 Jack is not the one who can trust。

我是你的朋友, 我只是要你認清事實。傑克是不值得信任的。

熟詞生義:“smell the coffee”不僅是指“聞咖啡香氣”