Carry out同義詞替換有什麼?

Carry out


carry out為進行,執行,實施,推進,展開,履等多種意思,其根據不同意思,可替換為許多不同的詞。carry out 可替換為conduct, do, put in practice ,其為實施的意思;可見例句,“他們實施了多次重複的實驗,最終才得出了這個令人滿意的結果。”

Carry out同義詞替換有什麼?

“They carried out many repeated experiments, and finally came to this satisfactory result。”替換以後為“They conducted many repeated experiments, and finally came to this satisfactory result。”

1。可替換為fulfill, perform等其為實踐,履行的意思。可見例句,“科學家們透過開展這個實驗,探究出了氧氣與二氧化碳的某些關係,結果令他們十分欣慰。”“By carrying out this experiment, scientists have explored some of the relationship between oxygen and carbon dioxide, and the results are very gratifying to them。”替換以後為“By performing this experiment, scientists have explored some of the relationship between oxygen and carbon dioxide, and the results are very gratifying to them。”

Carry out同義詞替換有什麼?

2。可替換為follow out, execute, push等,其為執行,推行等意思,可見例句“這名警察在執行任務的時候不幸犧牲了,雖然如此,但他的精神和行為深深的影響著我們。”“This policeman unfortunately died, when he carried out the duty, but even so, his spirit and behavior deeply affect us。”可替換為“This policeman unfortunately died, when he followed out the duty, but even so, his spirit and behavior deeply affect us。”

3。可替換為travel, go on,bring into effect等,其為進行,實現等意思,可見例句“我們要努力學習,努力充實自己,這樣我們才能實現我們要成為一名優秀且值得讓人尊敬的人的夢想。”“We have to study hard and work hard to enrich ourselves, so that we can carry out our dream of becoming a good and respectable person。”可替換為“We have to study hard and work hard to enrich ourselves, so that we can bring into effect our dream of becoming a good and respectable person。”當然還有bring to pass, footstep等實行,展開,履等意思也可替換。