泰勒新專evermore|歌曲champagne problems創作背景解析

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泰勒新專evermore|歌曲champagne problems創作背景解析

evermore 專輯簡介

就在昨天,在距離上張專輯《folklore》才不到5個月的時間,天才少女Taylor Swift又發行了新專輯《evermore》,歌迷們紛紛表示:folklore都沒學會,又要讓我去學習evermore了。

“It feels like we were standing on the edge of the folklorian woods and had a choice: to turn and go back or to travel further into the forest of this music。 We chose to wander in,” wrote by Taylor Swift in a statement accompanying the announcement of Evermore。(泰勒斯威夫特在公佈新專輯《Evermore》發行的時候寫道:“似乎我們都站folklore的邊緣並且要做出選擇:是轉彎回去呢還是繼續勇往直前繼續創作音樂呢?我們選擇繼續創作。”)

外媒稱:“Evermore is a sister album of folklore。 folklore is more like a subtle, thoughtful, stressful older sister。 While evermore is a cooler little sister。(evermore 是folklore的姐妹專輯,folklore更像一個狡猾的,心思縝密的,更有壓力的姐姐,而evermore是一個更加從容的妹妹。)

Many of Evermore’s songs are works of fiction。(許多evermore的歌曲都是虛構的)

泰勒新專evermore|歌曲champagne problems創作背景解析

champagne problems

champagne problems字面意思

作為一個資深黴粉,當然是第一時間去買了新專輯。聽完一遍後認為旋律最抓人的一首歌應當屬於《champagne problmes》。


直譯過來 就是香檳問題。

但是我們還需要知道champagn problem組合在一起還有更深層次的意思:

champagne problems are problems of the rich and famous that we would all be so lucky to have, having to decide between two completely awesome things that both lead to an ideal outcome, and not technically a real problem at all。(指的是“存在於富人和名人中的,需要從兩個好的選擇中做決定”的問題。)


比如:I have champagne problems: to have buffetalone or join my friends in a French restaurant。 我在糾結到底是要去自助餐還是跟朋友吃法餐。(事實上這根本就不算是個問題。)

泰勒新專evermore|歌曲champagne problems創作背景解析

歌曲背景下的champagne problems是什麼意思?

Champagne problems is co-written by Joe Alwyn under the name of William Bowery。 This song is about heartbreak。 (這首歌是黴黴和她的處了4年的男朋友Joe Alwyn以William Bowery為署名一起寫的。這首歌講的是一個心碎的故事。)

According to Taylor: this is “the one where longtime college sweethearts had very different plans for the same night, one to end it and one who brought a ring。” (據泰勒稱,這首歌講的是一個從大學時間就開始交往的一對情侶的故事,男生在某個晚上準備好了戒指向相處多年的女友求婚,但是女友拒絕了。)

歌曲中多次出現champagne problems

1. Crestfallen on thelanding. Champagne problems(女主

Champagne problems



2. Your heart was glass, I dropped it. Champagne problems. (男主向女主求婚,女主拒絕,男主玻璃般的心被摔得粉碎,小事一樁。)

3. Your hometown skeptics called it.

Champagne problems.(男主家鄉多疑的人認為被拒絕是小事一樁。)

Champagne problems.(男主家鄉多疑的人認為被拒絕是小事一樁。)


Love slipped beyond your reaches.

And I couldn't give a reason.

And I couldn't give a reason.

Champagne problems.(愛在沒觸碰到之前就溜走了,而女主並不能給男主被拒絕的理由。小事一樁。)

Champagne problems.(愛在沒觸碰到之前就溜走了,而女主並不能給男主被拒絕的理由。小事一樁。)



Never leave you standing.

而歌曲中的也有一句歌詞是這樣的:“Dom Pérignon, you brought it”。 Dom Pérignon是一個著名的香檳品牌,男生買了一瓶香檳準備慶祝,沒想到等著他的是女友的拒絕。從這裡看來champagne也讓標題成了一個雙關語。

以上就是champagne problems的解說,如果還有哪裡不理解的,歡迎留言提問哦~ 晚上也會有champagne problems的歌曲教學,將會有更詳細的介紹,歡迎來直播間交流。