
For the hundreds of thousands of

ancient Chinese books

, some of which are the last remaining copies of their kind, there is almost no opportunity for ordinary people to see them with their own eyes, let alone touch or read them。 They have to be kept in state libraries or private institutions, conserved as relics of the nation‘s cultural heritage。對於幾十萬本中國古籍,其中一些是僅存的同類書籍,普通人幾乎沒有機會親眼看到它們,更不用說觸控或閱讀它們了。它們必須儲存在國家圖書館或私人機構中,作為國家文化遺產儲存。


It is important to develop technologies to preserve these books and repair those that have been partially damaged by worms or moisture and much is, indeed, being done in this respect。重要的是要開發技術來儲存這些書籍,修復那些被蠕蟲或溼氣部分損壞的書籍,事實上,在這方面正在做很多工作。


Nevertheless, it has long been the dream of many scholars to have these ancient classics replicated with the same look and feel, so that their original elegant style, the thread bindings, beautiful handwriting and the seals of those who once kept them, as well as the sentiments of ancient scholars written between the lines, can be presented to readers。然而,長期以來,許多學者一直夢想著以同樣的外觀和感覺複製這些古代經典,以便將它們原本優雅的風格、線裝、優美的筆跡和曾經儲存它們的人的印章,以及古代學者在字裡行間的情感呈現給讀者。

