
我們力所能及的:在表現主義盛行的當下貼近極簡it is the least we could do: minimalism in an environment of expressionism


混合型別hybrid typology


在中國,裙樓的建築容積率往往無法應對城市人口密度增幅造成的壓力,於是就導致了城市建築過度依賴塔樓來達到市政規定的容積率標準。因此針對當下的城市環境,混合型建築可謂是一個行之有效的解決方案。In China, the perimeter block typology doesn’t usually return the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) necessary to satisfy inner urban densities。 This leads to an over reliance on detached towers to meet FAR requirements。 The perimeter block with a tower extrusion however, presents a useful hybrid。


一座塔樓從裙樓中拔地而起,這樣的組合型別優勢多多:裙樓能夠啟用城市街道邊緣,並且實現良好的採光和通風,使用者甚至還能享有一座“公私用隨意”的內庭院;塔樓則可以在不逾越容積率標準的前提下,最大化利用建築佔地面積。The advantages of the perimeter block (positive reinforcement of active urban street edges; well ventilated and naturally lit building interiors; and an internal courtyard that has the options of being private, semi-private-semi-public, or public space) are combined with the capacity of the tower to maximize floor area。友好鄰里being a good neighbor


該專案被要求樣式造型不能妨礙鄰近建築的日照。裙樓對此不會造成太大影響,但塔樓就難說了。我們最終透過夏季太陽直射點的位置、日照計算,敲定塔樓立面為東西朝向。Urban form for this project was driven by the need to maintain strict solar access requirements to the neighbouring buildings。 The low perimeter block did not impact solar access, however, the tower extrusion proved much more difficult to locate。 Its final position exposes long east and west facades to low altitude summer sun。



金屬百葉metal petals


建築的所有立面都應用了垂直屏障來隔熱。高雅的薄板延伸出視窗並形成水平面,上布垂直穿孔金屬遮光板,這些遮光板既可以合攏起來阻隔日曬,也可敞開方便觀景。總的來說,這些遮光板如金屬花瓣般覆蓋在立面上顯得統一而規整。Surprisingly, all facades required vertical screens to prevent unwanted heat gain。 Elegantly thin slab edges are projected past the window line and form horizontal ledges on which to sit vertical perforated metal sunscreens。 These screens are closed enough to block the sun, yet open enough to not impede views out。 En masse, these sunscreens present as a series of metal petals covering unified facades。



延伸的甲板為每層樓打造了額外的外部空間,同時將遮光板分隔開來,從而減輕大量金屬遮光板帶來的視覺壓迫感。Decks are then cut into the petals to provide outdoor space for each floor level, and subtle visual relief to the wall of petals。


極簡為主,表現為輔minimalism 1。 – expressionism 0。


該政府辦公大樓功能多樣,它可以是檔案館、檢測中心、員工食堂、商業街前咖啡館,以及各種封閉或開放的辦公空間。這樣的設計不僅表現了建築能夠連線各類功能區間,也呼應了該混合型建築由裙樓與塔樓連線而成。The program for this local government building is diverse: document archives, testing laboratories, staff canteen, a commercial street-front cafe, and variety of closed and open office spaces。 This suggests an architectural articulation of these programs。 In addition, the typological hybrid suggests articulation of the perimeter building and the tower。



然而,相比探索功能連線等表面性問題的解決方案,我們更需思考:不同功能之間如何劃分區隔? 裙房和塔樓的結合相較於二者獨立能產生多少差異?我們又如何花最小的力氣來適應差異?為此,我們有兩個主要的設計措施:一、統一規劃幕牆,使其滿足每一個不同區域的日照需求和遮陽效能標準; 二、所有入口都通入中央庭院。However, rather than exploring these obvious solutions, the questions posed were: What are the differences in the program? What are the differences generated by combining perimeter block and tower typologies? And finally, what is the least we need to do to engage with these differences?The answer to this question brought about two design responses: firstly, a unified faade which fulfilled the performance criteria for solar access and protection for each of the different programs; and secondly, the location of the entries for all programs into the central courtyard space。


半公共庭院semi-public courtyard集中動線的策略不僅創造了一個半公共的戶外空間,還方便了不同部門間的合作交流。午餐時分, 圍合的庭院還能提供活躍的就餐環境。This centralized circulation strategy creates a semi-public outdoor space and provides opportunities for encounter and exchange amongst the different public departments。 It also provides an active space for lunch in a protected courtyard landscape。


庭院還將通往南大門的公共人行道連通至步行橋的擬建位點再至庭院東北側,這樣的對角線路徑也強調了庭院的“半公共性”。The courtyard directly links the public footpath of the main southern entrance to a proposed future pedestrian bridge to the north east of the site。 This diagonal shortcut further reinforces the semi-public nature of the courtyard。異置的屋頂景觀roofscape as displaced landscape為了引導員工走出大樓享受一番戶外景色,我們將一層室內的地磚一路鋪至庭院,並延伸到河邊。這樣的設計也為未來一樓開發更多公共/商業用途奠定穩健的基礎。To encourage the staff to get out of the building and enjoy the river frontage or the courtyard, the paving from the ground floor interiors flows directly into the courtyard and out to the river’s edge – a robust strategy for the future, when the ground floor develops more pubic and/or commercial programs。


在塔樓可俯瞰裙樓屋頂。該頂層有一座花園小亭,彷彿一座被“錯置”的景觀;員工食堂的門就開向此處,員工午餐,甚至是非正式會議,都可以在小亭子裡進行。另外,還有一間機電房也被裝扮成一座小亭。因而,整個頂層為租戶提供了戶外私人空間。The tower overlooks the roof of the perimeter block and this space provides an opportunity for a major private outdoor space for the building tenants。 A garden pavilion for staff lunches or informal meetings sits within a roofscape that presents as a displaced landscape。 The staff canteen opens on to this roofscape。 Plant rooms have been disguised as additional garden pavilions。



比我們想象的更令人矚目more visible than we think在商業和零售環境中,每一棟建築都追求標新立異,在以廣告及標牌為主的街景中,建築已成為企業理念和營銷活動的 “延續戰場”–然而,或許一座簡約優雅且沉靜的公共建築比我們想象的更令人矚目。In a commercial and retail environment where every building is trying hard to be seen as different from its neighbours, where advertising and signage are dominating streetscapes, where buildings are becoming extensions of corporate logos and marketing campaigns – a minimal, elegant and calm public building may be more visible than we think。



專案資訊:專案名稱:杭州桐廬智城大廈 專案情況:2019 年竣工地點:浙江省,杭州,桐廬客戶:桐廬城市發展經營有限公司型別:辦公建築功能專案:檔案館,檢測中心及辦公樓年份:2016—2019建築面積:26,684。01 平方米建設投資:人民幣 1。36 億BAU 專案組成員:James Brearley、Jens Eberhardt、陳志勇、羅懷利、Steve Whitford、高衛國、 陳箭施工單位:杭州港灣建設有限公司合作設計院:中國聯合工程公司攝影:夏至Project DataProject Name: Hangzhou Tonglu Archives BuildingProject Status: Completed 2019 Location: Tonglu, Hangzhou, Zhejiang ProvinceClient: Tonglu Urban Development and Management Co。, Ltd。 Typology: OfficeProgram: Document archives; testing laboratories; office。Year: 2016—2019Construction Area: 26,684。01 m2 Construction Cost: RMB 136 millionBAU Project Team: James Brearley, Jens Eberhardt, Chen Zhiyong, Luo Huaili, Steve Whitford, Gao Weiguo, Chen JianBuilder: Hangzhou Harbour Construction Co。,Ltd。Engineer+Documenting LDI: China United Engineering Company Photographer:Xiazhi來源:本文由BAU建築城市設計提供稿件,所有著作權歸屬BAU建築城市設計所有。
