
「來源: |獨霸上海的妖怪 ID:Lexie_World」





今天推薦給大家的短篇小說《不受歡迎的女孩》,便是一次“惡毒後母”、“醜陋姐姐” 的獨白和辯護。

作者是瑪格麗特·阿特伍德(Margaret Atwood, 1939—),一位加拿大小說家、詩人、文學評論家。看名字,大家或許會覺得陌生。但她作品改編的美劇——《使女的故事》,火遍了全球,相信很多讀者都看過。


Unpopular Gals

作者 瑪格麗特·阿特伍德

譯者 包慧怡

出版社 河南大學出版社


Everyone gets a turn, and now it‘s mine。 Or so they used to tell us in kindergarten。 It’s not really true。 Some get more turns than others, and I‘ve never had a turn, not one! I hardly know how to say “I” or “mine”; I’ve been “she, her, that one” for so long。


I haven‘t even been given a name; I was always just “the ugly sister”; put the stress on “ugly”。 The one the other mothers looked at, then looked away from and shook their heads gently。 Their voices lowered or ceased altogether when I came into the room, in my pretty dresses, my face leaden and scowling。 They tried to think of something to say that would redeem the situation——“Well, she’s certainly strong”——but they knew it was useless。 So did I。



[sis] v。 to stop happening or existing 停止


[ledn] adj。 dark grey 鉛灰色的


[skal] v。 an angry or hostile expression appearing on one’s face 作怒容; 繃著臉


[rdim] v。 to make somebody / something seem less bad 補救

You think I didn‘t hate their pity, their forced kindness? And knowing that no matter what I did, how virtuous I was, or hardworking, I would never be beautiful。 Not like her, the one who merely had to sit there to be adored。 You wonder why I stabbed the blue eyes of my dolls with pins and pulled their hair out until they were bald? Life isn’t fair。 Why should I be?




[vrtus] adj。 behaving in a moral and correct way 品德高尚的


[stb] v。 to push at something with your finger or with something pointed that you are holding (用手指或手中尖物) 戳; 捅; 按


[bld] adj。 having as little or no hair on the top of one’s head 禿頂的

As for the prince, you think I didn‘t love him? I loved him more than she did; I loved him more than anything。 Enough to cut off my foot。 Enough to murder。 Of course I disguised myself in heavy veils, to take her place at the altar。 Of course I threw her out the window and pulled the sheets up over my head and pretended to be her。 Who wouldn’t, in my position。



[dsɡaz] v。 to hide something or change it, so that it cannot be recognized 掩飾


[vel] n。 a piece of thin soft cloth that women sometimes wear over their heads and that can also cover their face。 面紗


[ltr] n。 a holy table in a church or temple 聖壇

But all my love ever came to was a bad end。 Red-hot shoes, barrels studded with nails。 That‘s what it feels like, unrequited love。



[brl] n。 a large, round container for liquids or food 桶


[std] v。 to dot or cover (with) 用。。。點綴; 用。。。覆蓋


[nrkwatd] adj。 (of love) not returned by the person that you love (感情)得不到迴應的

She had a baby, too。 I was never allowed。

Everything you’ve ever wanted, I wanted also。

她還有個嬰兒。我則從未被允許過。 你曾經渴望過的每一樣事物,我也渴望過。


A libel action, that‘s what I’m thinking。 Put an end to this nonsense。 Just because I‘m old and live alone and can’t see very well, they accuse me of all sorts of things。 Cooking and eating children, well, can you imagine? What a fantasy, and even if I did eat just a few, whose fault was it? Those children were left in the forest by their parents, who fully intended them to die。 Waste not, want not has always been my motto。



[labl] n。 the act of printing a statement about somebody that is not true and that gives people a bad opinion of them; the statement that is printed 誹謗


[mɑto] n。 格言

Anyway, the way I see it, they were an offering。 I used to be given grown-ups, men and women both, stuffed full of seasonal goodies and handed over to me at seed-time and harvest。 The symbolism was a little crude perhaps, and the events themselves were——some might say——lacking in taste, but folks‘ hearts were in the right place。 In return, I made things germinate and grow and swell and ripen。



[stf] v。 to fill a space or container tightly with something 裝滿


[ɡdi] v。 pleasant, exciting, or attractive things 好東西


[krud] adj。 not exact or detailed, but may be useful or correct in a rough, general way 粗略的




[drmnet] adj。 If a seed germinates or if it is germinated, it starts to grow。 使發芽; 發芽


[swel] v。 If the amount or size of something swells or if something swells it, it becomes larger than it was before。 使增大; 增大


[rapn] v。 When crops ripen or when the sun ripens them, they become ripe。 (指莊稼) 成熟

Then I got hidden away, stuck into the attic, shrunken and parched and covered up in fusty draperies。 Hell, I used to have breasts! Not just two of them。 Lots。 Ever wonder why a third tit was the crucial test, once, for women like me?



[rk] v。 If cloth or clothing shrinks, it becomes smaller in size, usually as a result of being washed。 縮水


[pɑrt] v。 to deprive or be deprived of water; dry up 脫水; 使乾涸



[fsti] adj。 having a smell that is not fresh or pleasant 黴臭的


[drepri] n。 cloth, curtains, or clothing hanging in folds 織物


[tt] n。 A woman’s tits are her breasts。 乳房

Or why I‘m so often shown with a garden? A wonderful garden, in which mouth-watering things grow。 Mulberries。 Magic cabbages。 Rapunzel, whatever that is。 And all those pregnant women trying to clamber over the wall, by the light of the moon, to munch up my fecundity, without giving anything in return。 Theft, you’d call it, if you were at all open-minded。



[klmbr] v。 to climb there with difficulty, usually using your hands as well as your feet (手腳並用,費勁地) 爬


[mnt] v。 to eat food by chewing it slowly, thoroughly, and rather noisily大聲咀嚼



[fkndti] n。 fertility; fruitfulness 肥沃; 豐收

That was never the rule in the old days。 Life was a gift then, not something to be stolen。 It was my gift。 By earth and sea I bestowed it, and the people gave me thanks。



[bsto] v。 to give something to somebody, especially to show how much they are respected 授予


It‘s true, there are never any evil stepfathers。 Only a bunch of lily-livered widowers, who let me get away with murder vis-à-vis their daughters。 Where are they when I’m making those girls drudge in the kitchen, or sending them out into the blizzard in their paper dresses? Working late at the office。 Passing the buck。 Men! But if you think they knew nothing about it, you‘re crazy。



[wdor] n。 a man whose wife has died and who has not married again 鰥夫


[drd] n。 a person who has to do long hard boring jobs 苦工


[blzrd] n。 a very bad snowstorm with strong winds 暴風雪

pass the buck

to refuse to accept responsibility for something, and say that someone else is responsible 推諉責任

The thing about those good daughters is, they’re so “good”。 Obedient and passive。 Sniveling, I might add。 No get-up-and-go。 What would become of them if it weren‘t for me? Nothing, that’s what。 All they‘d ever do is the housework, which seems to feature largely in these stories。 They’d marry some peasant, have seventeen kids, and get “A Dutiful Wife” engraved on their tombstones, if any。 Big deal。



[bidint] adj。 doing what you are told to do; willing to obey 順從的; 服從的




[snvl] v。 to cry or sniff in a way that irritates others (令人厭煩地)啜泣; 抽抽噎噎地哭


[nɡrev] v。 to cut words or designs on wood, stone, metal, etc。 刻上



[tumston] n。 a large stone with words carved into it, which is placed on a grave 墓碑

I stir things up, I get things moving。 “Go play in the traffic,” I say to them。 “Put on this paper dress and look for strawberries in the snow。” It‘s perverse, but it works。 All they have to do is smile and say hello and do a little more housework, for some gnomes or nice ladies or whatever, and bingo, they get the king’s son and the palace, and no more dish-pan hands。

是我挑起事端,是我讓事情得以發生。“去馬路中央玩,”我對她們說, “穿上紙做的衣服, 去雪地裡找些草莓。”這很變態, 但無比管用。她們只需要微笑, 再向某位侏儒或“好心的婦人”或隨便什麼人問聲好,為後者做一點微不足道的家務, 事就這麼成了。她們嫁給了國王的兒子, 住進了皇宮, 再也不會在洗碗擦碟時弄粗了手啦。

stir st

h up

to try to cause arguments or problems 挑起爭端


[prvrs] adj。 showing a deliberate and determined desire to behave in a way that most people think is wrong, unacceptable or unreasonable 乖戾的; 有悖常理的


[nom] n。 an imaginary creature that is like a tiny old man with a beard and pointed hat 小矮人

Whereas all I get is the blame。

God knows all about it。 No Devil, no Fall, no Redemption。 Grade two arithmetic。



[rdempn] n。 the act of redeeming something or of being redeemed by something 救贖; 償還


[rθmtk] n。 the part of mathematics that is concerned with the addition, subtraction, multiplication,and division of numbers 算術

You can wipe your feet on me, twist my motives around all you like, you can dump millstones on my head and drown me in the river, but you can‘t get me out of the story。 I’m the plot, babe, and don‘t ever forget it。



[dmp] v。 to put something or unload it somethere quickly and carelessly 扔下; 傾倒

The End