
什麼是“英譯英”式英語閱讀?Autumn has arrived



一、課文:"秋老虎" 不可小覷

Though autumn has arrived in China, temperatures remain high。 Ancient Chinese people named these hot days as the “Tiger of Autumn,” a saying that‘s similar to the “Indian Summer” in English。

These Siberian tigers at Yellow Mountain Tiger Park in Huangshan City of east China’s Anhui Province found the “Tiger of Autumn” a bit too much as it forced them to either stay in the water or under a canopy for coolness。





1。Though autumn has arrived in China, temperatures remain high。

China is,or People in China are still undergoing/experiencing(這兩個英語詞是用中文“讀”英語時無論如何都沒有機會“用”上的,甚至想都想不起來,也想不到)high temperatures in face of autumn。

2。High temperatures remain/libger in China in spite of the advent of autumn。

3。 Ancient Chinese people named these hot days as the “Tiger of Autumn,”

Chinese people long lobg time ago refer these hot days to the “ Autumn Tiger” ,or tge Tiger in Autumn。

4。a saying that‘s similar to the “Indian Summer” in English。

Okay。I got you。Indian Summer means Autumn Tiger,or hot weather in autumn time

我們真沒必要非得“懂”Indian Summer的中文不可才算懂英語Indian Summer“什麼意思”。不要太過分依賴中文作為“理解語言”了。作為外語訓練學生,而不是後續的“英語翻譯”,你“”懂得”Indian Summer的英語意思,比你“會說”它的中文要命的多,除非你不在乎自己不可逆的生命時間,可以“十年不夠再十年又如何”地“學”英語。


5。These Siberian tigers at Yellow Mountain Tiger Park in Huangshan City of east China’s Anhui Province found the “Tiger of Autumn” a bit too much as it forced them to either stay in the water or under a canopy for coolness。

5a。Siberia is part of East Russia,an extremely cold area。

你也許“會說”中文“西伯利亞”,但你見到英語Siberia卻“說不出”上面簡單得不能再簡單的高中英語才是你“英語閱讀”的Achilles‘ heel!

5b。If you found something or someone a bit too much,you mean it is too much for you to bear,to endure,to put up with


6。 forced them to either stay in the water or under a canopy for coolness。


Well,if it is hot,you can stay in water for coolness,you can also stay under canopy for coolness。So,I think canopy is something like a tree or bush。

