鬣狗技術- Java 資料庫專題|6. JDBC協議 第10章:Transactions







鬣狗技術- Java 資料庫專題|6. JDBC協議 第10章:Transactions

圖1 測試表




Auto-commit mode

Transaction isolation levels


Transaction Boundaries and Auto-commit

When to start a new transaction is a decision made implicitly by either the JDBC driver or the underlying data source。 Although some data sources implement an explicit “begin transaction” statement, there is no JDBC API to do so。 Typically, a new transaction is started when the current SQL statement requires one and there is no transaction already in place。 Whether or not a given SQL statement requires a transaction is also specified by SQL:2003。

這段的重點就是,“Typically, a new transaction is started when the current SQL statement requires one and there is no transaction already in place。”- 預設情況下執行當前SQL的時候會預設啟動事務,而不需要主動宣告“begin transaction”。例如,下面兩條語句的執行效果是一樣的:

begin transaction

select * from user ;


select * from user;

The Connection attribute auto-commit specifies when to end transactions。 Enabling auto-commit causes a transaction commit after each individual SQL statement as soon as that statement is complete。 The point at which a statement is considered to be “complete” depends on the type of SQL statement as well as what the application does after executing it:

* For Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements such as Insert, Update, Delete, and DDL statements, the statement is complete as soon as it has finished executing。

* For Select statements, the statement is complete when the associated result set is closed。

* For CallableStatement objects or for statements that return multiple results, the statement is complete when all of the associated result sets have been closed, and all update counts and output parameters have been retrieved。


set autocommit = on ,




Disabling Auto-commit mode

// Assume con is a Connection objectcon。setAutoCommit(false);




con。setAutoCommit(false);Statement stmt = con。createStatement(); // get a statementstmt。execute(“update user set age = 15 where id = 2”);con。commit();======= 上面程式碼對應的SQl語句如下:========set autocommit = off;update user set age = 15 where id = 2 ;commit;

Transaction Isolation Levels





Transaction isolation levels specify what data is “visible” to the statements within a transaction。



Dirty Reads

Dirty Reads occur when transactions are allowed to see uncommitted changes to the data。 In other words, changes made inside a transaction are visible outside the transaction before it is committed。 If the changes are rolled back instead of being committed, it is possible for other transactions to have done work based on incorrect, transient data。


// 事務Aset autocommit = off;update user set name = ‘tommy’ where id = 2;// 事務Bset transaction isolation level read uncommitted ;select * from user where id = 2;// 結果為|id| name | age || 2| tommy| 15 |

事務B將當前連線的事務隔離級別設定為read uncommited,可以看到事務B讀到了事務A未提交的資料。

non-repeatable reads

nonrepeatable reads occur when:

a。 Transaction A reads a row

b。 Transaction B changes the row

c。 Transaction A reads the same row a second time and gets different results

不可重複讀發生的場景已經說得很明白了。記住關鍵詞A Row就好

phantom reads

a。 Transaction A reads all rows that satisfy a WHERE condition

b。 Transaction B inserts an additional row that satisfies the same condition

c。 Transaction A reevaluates the WHERE condition and picks up the additional “phantom” row


isolation ladder

如圖是我自己畫的一個isolation ladder,其中橫軸是isolation level,縱軸是concurreny,其中可以看到有四種隔離級別,分別是:read-uncommited、read-commited、repeatable-read、serializable;並且每種隔離級別下指明當前存在的問題。而且還能夠看到,隨著隔離級別的提高,併發度是逐漸下降的。

鬣狗技術- Java 資料庫專題|6. JDBC協議 第10章:Transactions

圖2 isolation ladder


Savepoints provide finer-grained control of transactions by marking intermediate points within a transaction。 Once a savepoint has been set, the transaction can be rolled back to that savepoint without affecting preceding work。

The DatabaseMetaData。supportsSavepoints method can be used to determine whether a JDBC driver and DBMS support savepoints。



set autocommit = off;savepoint `A`;update user set name = ‘jacky’ where id = 1;savepoint `B`;update user set name = ‘jackend’ where id = 1;select * from user where id = 1; # name is jackendrollback to `A`;select * from user where id = 1; # name is jack

Releasing a Savepoint

The method Connection。releaseSavepoint takes a Savepoint object as a parameter and removes it and any subsequent savepoints from the current transaction。 Once a savepoint has been released, attempting to reference it in a rollback operation will cause an SQLException to be thrown。 Any savepoints that have been created in a transaction are automatically released and become invalid when the transaction is committed or when the entire transaction is rolled back。 Rolling a transaction back to a savepoint automatically releases and makes invalid any other savepoints that were created after the savepoint in question。

Connection。releaseSavePoint()方法用來釋放儲存點。對應的SQL語句為:release savepoint `Asavepoint`。






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