“失敗是成功之母”別說“failure is the mother of success”

大家好,歡迎來的餅哥英語的頻道,今天我們分享一個非常有用且地道的表達——失敗是成功之母, 這個短語別說成“failure is the mother of success”,我們來學習一個非常地道的表達:

failure teaches success 失敗是成功之母

I know you‘re bummed that the experiment didn’t work, but let‘s try again。 Failure teaches success after all, and now we know what not to do。


I’m a big believer that failure teaches success, so we can‘t give up now!


As the old saying goes, failure teaches the success。 So don’t be so disappointed。


Why did you give up so quickly? You have to remember that failure teaches success。


“失敗是成功之母”別說“failure is the mother of success”