

Daddy‘s antique shop。 Leave a message


I went to play cards with the magic fairy king of magic fairy castle。 I went to find Maggie meixue and xiaolan and let them pass through the music box to tell me something。



Sorry, the user you are calling is not near the computer, please bash your monitor now until it is in a blaze, and I will reply to you after hearing the noise。


Please wake me up with bubble tea potato chips, cola, lollipop, jelly, double skin milk hamburger, fig, pistachio, Bigroot, pork, orange, watermelon, apple, pitaya, grape ice cream。



Let me go play, ice cream monster, fried rice, barbecue magician。 Kill the sun dragon with sunscreen, knight’s health care and sunshade lady‘s shield to rescue the refrigerator princess, and find you with the stars bestowed by the refrigerator emperor。xx


Xx woman has received information, reply later!

七、強子 媽在,你說

Hadron mother is here, you say。


八、有困難找超級飛俠 掉海里找海底小縱隊 無聊也可以找海綿寶寶聊會天 餘生那麼長 等爹一下又何妨

If you have difficulty finding Super Flying Man, you can drop into the sea and find a small submarine column。 If you are bored, you can also find SpongeBob and talk for the rest of your life。 Why not wait for Dad?


Your graceful, graceful, ice-cold, jade-clean, sunken fish, wild goose, beautiful scenery, beautiful flowers, beautiful face, golden branches, jade leaves, and beautiful flowers are on their way here


十、別問 問就是在學習

Don’t ask, you are studying。


For manual service, press 1

十二、王者峽谷正在拆遷 稍等

King Canyon is being demolished。 Wait a minute。


十三、小魔仙正在魔神堡 請快速傳送嗚呼啦呼變身小豬

The little magic fairy is in fiend castle。 please send it quickly。 alas, become a pig

十四、叫寶貝我就勉強理你 不叫才不會理你唔

Yeah, baby, i‘ll barely talk to you。 i wonn’t talk to you if i don‘t