See vs Look vs Watch 的區別及用法

The Differences Between See, Look, and Watch:


SEE: three layers of meaning 三層含義

Can/Can’t see, our ability to see 是否能看見

★ It was dark outside and I couldn’t see anything。

★ 外面很黑,我什麼都看不見。

★ Can you see the island from here?

★ 從這裡,你能看見那個島嗎?

★ I can’t see a thing without my glasses。

★ 不戴眼鏡,我什麼都看不見。

For things or people that we are not expecting to see


★ The cat saw a snake and got scared。

★ 那隻貓看見了一條蛇,害怕了。

★ I saw your ex-girlfriend while shopping yesterday。

★ 我昨天購物時看到了你的前女友。

★ He suddenly saw someone he knows in the video。

★ 他無意間在影片中看到了他認識的某個人。

Go to watch/visit 去觀看/訪問

★ They saw a scary movie last night。 (at the cinema)

★ 他們昨晚看了一部恐怖電影。(在電影院)

★ I’m going to see my friends this weekend。 (go and visit)

★ 這個週末我去看我的朋友。(去拜訪)


LOOK: direct your eyes in its direction and pay attention to it.


We always use LOOK AT when we focus attention on something.

當我們有意識地去看某事時,用片語LOOK AT。

★ Stop looking at the clock。 This meeting is almost over。

★ 不要再看鐘了。會議馬上就結束了。

★ Whenever I go on the subway, everyone is just looking at their phones。

★ 每當我去坐地鐵,每個人都在看手機。

If you want to show a specific direction, you need a different preposition.


★ She looks down with embarrassment。

★ 她尷尬地低頭看。

★ Andy looked up at the sky。

★ 安迪抬頭看了看天空。

★ He is looking around the room。

★ 他正在環顧房間。

★ Don’t look down。 It will make you dizzy。

★ 不要往下看,會讓你頭暈的。


WATCH: is similar to LOOK, but it usually means that we look at something for a long period of time and paying attention to what is happening, especially something is changing or moving.


★ He is watching TV at home。

★ 他正在家裡看電視。

★ Is there anything interesting to watch on television tonight?

★ 今晚電視上有什麼有趣的節目嗎?

★ -Would you like to play basketball with us? -No, thanks。 I’ll just watch。

★ - 你想一起打籃球嗎?- 不了,謝謝。我就是看看。

★ Two of us used to watch the sunrise every day。

★ 曾經,我們兩個人每天去看日出。

But SEE, not WATCH is used when we talk about being at sprots matches, or public performances, such as films, concerts and dramas.


★ I watched the Shawshank Redemption last night。

★ I saw the Shawshank Redemption last night。

★ 我昨晚看了《肖申克的救贖》。

You use SEE for a film in the cinema and WATCH for something on the television.


★ I watched a man digging a hole。 – 我看了一會。

★ I saw a man digging a hole。 - 只是看見

★ 我看見一個人在挖洞。

★ Please look closely and tell me what you see。

★ 請仔細看,告訴我你看到了什麼。

★ On my walk, I saw loads of animals tracks in the snow。 When I looked closer, I could tell they were racoon tracks。

★ 我散步的時候,看到雪地上有很多動物的足跡。當我走近看時,我可以辨別出來是浣熊的足跡。

★ Andy looks towards the window because he wants to know if it is morning yet。

★ 安迪看向窗戶,因為他想知道現在是否已經是早上了。

★ Andy sees the sun coming through the window and knows it is morning。

★ 安迪看到太陽穿過窗戶,知道現在已經是早上了。

★ If you go for a walk by the river, you can look at the beautiful scenery。

★ 如果你去河邊散步,可以看看美麗的風景。

★ If you go to the forest, you might see some squirrels。

★ 如果你到森林裡散步,可能會看到松鼠。

★ Do you like my new haircut?

★ 你喜歡我的新發型嗎?

★ Yeah。。。, great。

★ 嗯,挺好。

★ You’re not even looking at me。 You’re just watching your stupid game。 Look at me! Look at my hair!

★ 你甚至都沒看我,只是在看你那該死的比賽。看看我,看看我的頭髮!

★ I already saw your hair。

★ 我看到你的髮型了。